Auto-folding of indented lines for Visual Studio Code
Once a text document is opened, this extension will automatically fold all
indented lines to the default fold.level
set in User Settings. Already
opened documents can be folded to the default level with Fold Level
Default command from Command Palette.
- Auto-folding
- Fold Level Default command
Team @code does host a decent documentation suite and this Folding chapter is a good example of it. Below is an extract of available fold actions and their respective keybindings to really help you get the most out of this extension.
- Fold (
) folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor - Unfold (
) unfolds the collapsed region at the cursor - Fold All (
⌘K ⌘0
) folds all region in the editor - Unfold All (
⌘K ⌘J
) unfolds all regions in the editor - Fold All Block Comments (
⌘K ⌘/
) folds all regions that start with a block comment token - Fold Marker Regions (
⌘K ⌘8
) folds all marker regions - Unfold Marker Regions (
⌘K ⌘9
) unfolds all marker regions