This repository contains a collection of SLURM scripts, bash one-liners and various tips and tricks from over the years.
"SLURM - It's Highly Addictive!"
SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is an open-source workload manager designed for Linux clusters. It manages job scheduling, resource allocation, and job execution across a cluster of computers, making it essential for running large-scale computational tasks efficiently.
Conda is an open-source package management and environment management system that allows you to easily install, update, and manage software packages and their dependencies across different programming languages and platforms. Conda also enables the creation of isolated environments, ensuring that different projects have access to the correct versions of software and libraries without conflicts.
To begin using conda, you will likely need to install bioconda here.
Using Conda for an analysis often begins with creating an environment within which to install software. Creating an environment can be as simple as the following
conda create -n my_env
Once you create an environment, you will need to activate it.
conda activate my_env
You are now in a virtual environment and can install things easily.
conda install mamba
However you will often want something a bit more complex, possibly installing multiple different packages along the way. Here is a more complex example.
conda create -n metagen_assembly -c conda-forge -c bioconda metabat2 spades gtdbtk=2.4.0 --solver=libmamba -y
The -y
flag in a Conda command is used to automatically confirm the installation or action without prompting the user for confirmation.
: This flag tells Conda to use the libmamba solver, which is known for faster dependency resolution and better handling of complex dependency conflicts.
Converting a fastq to a fasta with sed
sed -n '1~4s/^@/>/p;2~4p' input.fastq > output.fasta
Count sequence length in fasta file
awk '/^>/ {if (seqlen){print seqlen}; seqlen=0; next} {seqlen += length($0)} END {print seqlen}' input.fasta
Count reads in a fasta file
grep -c ">" input.fasta
Count reads in a fastq file. Don't just count instances of the "@" symbol as this can appear in the quality scores line. This uses the number of records (NR) function within awk and divdes by 4.
awk 'END {print NR/4}' input.fastq
Grep using regular expressions
# This searches for instances of seqID followed by either 1, 2, 3, or 4 and then a tab character.
grep -P "seqID[1234]\t" input.txt
# This searches for instances of seqID followed by any number 0-9 and then a tab character.
grep -P "seqID[0-9]\t" input.txt
# This searches for instances of seqID followed by any two numbers (0-9) and then a tab character.
grep -P "seqID[0-9][0-9]\t" input.txt
# This searches for instances of seqID followed by any three numbers (0-9) and then a tab character.
grep -P "seqID[0-9]{3}\t" input.txt
# This searches for instances of seqID followed by a specific range of numbers, 10 to 99, and then a tab character.
grep -P "seqID[1-9][0-9]\t" input.txt
# This searches for lines that do NOT contain seqID followed by a number 5, and then a tab character.
grep -P -v "seqID5\t" input.txt
Awk for filtering a file based on columns (can be useful for large tables, e.g. large BLASTn outputs.
#Filters the 3rd column to be greater than 90 and the 11th columns to be less than 0.0005. Assumes columns separated by whitespace (spaces or tabs).)
awk '$3 > 90 && $11 < 0.0005' blast_output.txt
Sed for substitution
#Substitute SeqID with SequenceID
sed 's/SeqID/SequenceID/' input.txt > output.txt
#Substitute SeqID with SequenceID for all instances (note the above example will only do the first one on each line).
sed 's/SeqID/SequenceID/g' input.txt > output.txt
#Substitute all instances by an underscore followed by multiple numbers with nothing.
sed 's/_[0-9]*//' input.txt > output.txt
#Remove white space from a fasta file on the sequences only, does not per substitution on the header line (i.e. beginning with ">")
sed '/^>/!{ :a; N; s/\n//; ta }' input.fasta > output.fasta
Awk for substitution
#Replaces the original header with a new one, formatted as >gene1, >gene2, etc., incrementing i with each new sequence header
awk '/^>/{print ">gene" ++i; next}{print}' input.fasta > output.fasta