All options remain the same as in the original implementation - we now have an additional options that enable stream decoding:
: Set to 1 to enable simultaneous decoding, 0 to perform normal decodingpolicy
: The policy to use for defining the strategy of stream decoding. Currently available policies are defined below.delay_file
: Set to a filename to output the number of source words each target word waits for before being committed - Hence this file will have one number of each output token, and the same number of total lines as the actual target file.
: "Wait until End" policy - essentially read the entire sentence and then translate. This matchesstream=0
and is included as a sanity check.nwords
: Policy that readsR
words and writesW
words repeatedly. The pattern isR-W-R-W...
. Additional parameters are:nwords_read
: Number of words to readR
: Number of words to writeW
: Policy to readS
words in the beginning, writeW
and readR
. The pattern isS-W-R-W-R...
. Additional parameters are:nwords_start
: Number of words to start withS
: Number of words to readR
: Number of words to writeW
: Use external agent to define when to read and write. Additional parameters are:agent_model
: Path to the trained agent modelagent_vocab
: Path to trained agent model vocab
: "Wait if Different" policy - essentially decode every source word and compare if with increasing source words, prediction of target words change or not [1].wiw
: "Wait if Worse" policy - compare with different source word context if probability of predicted words at time t-1 is worse than at time t [1].widw
: "Wait if Different and Worse" policy - combination of wid and wiw, if prediction at time t is different from prediction at time t-1 and the probability is not worse.
Note that the stream decoder requires models trained with init_dec=0
, since we cannot intialize the decoder with the last encoder state (We do not have the entire source sequence in stream decoding).
[1] Can neural machine translation do simultaneous translation?
Torch implementation of a standard sequence-to-sequence model with (optional) attention where the encoder-decoder are LSTMs. Encoder can be a bidirectional LSTM. Additionally has the option to use characters (instead of input word embeddings) by running a convolutional neural network followed by a highway network over character embeddings to use as inputs.
The attention model is from Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation, Luong et al. EMNLP 2015. We use the global-general-attention model with the input-feeding approach from the paper. Input-feeding is optional and can be turned off.
The character model is from Character-Aware Neural Language Models, Kim et al. AAAI 2016.
There are a lot of additional options on top of the baseline model, mainly thanks to the fantastic folks at SYSTRAN. Specifically, there are functionalities which implement:
- Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation. Luong et al., EMNLP 2015.
- Character-based Neural Machine Translation. Costa-Jussa and Fonollosa, ACL 2016.
- Compression of Neural Machine Translation Models via Pruning. See et al., COLING 2016.
- Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation. Kim and Rush., EMNLP 2016.
- Deep Recurrent Models with Fast Forward Connections for Neural Machine Translation. Zhou et al, TACL 2016.
- Guided Alignment Training for Topic-Aware Neural Machine Translation. Chen et al., arXiv:1607.01628.
- Linguistic Input Features Improve Neural Machine Translation. Senrich et al., arXiv:1606.02892
See below for more details on how to use them.
This project is maintained by Yoon Kim. Feel free to post any questions/issues on the issues page.
- h5py
- numpy
You will need the following packages:
- hdf5
- nn
- nngraph
GPU usage will additionally require:
- cutorch
- cunn
If running the character model, you should also install:
- cudnn
- luautf8
We are going to be working with some example data in data/
First run the data-processing code
python --srcfile data/src-train.txt --targetfile data/targ-train.txt
--srcvalfile data/src-val.txt --targetvalfile data/targ-val.txt --outputfile data/demo
This will take the source/target train/valid files (src-train.txt, targ-train.txt, src-val.txt, targ-val.txt
) and make some hdf5 files to be consumed by Lua.
: Dictionary of source vocab to index mappings.
: Dictionary of target vocab to index mappings.
: hdf5 containing the train data.
: hdf5 file containing the validation data.
The *.dict
files will be needed when predicting on new data.
Now run the model
th train.lua -data_file data/demo-train.hdf5 -val_data_file data/demo-val.hdf5 -savefile demo-model
This will run the default model, which consists of a 2-layer LSTM with 500 hidden units
on both the encoder/decoder.
You can also add -gpuid 1
to use (say) GPU 1 in the cluster.
Now you have a model which you can use to predict on new data. To do this we are going to be running beam search
th evaluate.lua -model demo-model_final.t7 -src_file data/src-val.txt -output_file pred.txt
-src_dict data/demo.src.dict -targ_dict data/demo.targ.dict
This will output predictions into pred.txt
. The predictions are going to be quite terrible,
as the demo dataset is small. Try running on some larger datasets! For example you can download
millions of parallel sentences for translation
or summarization.
srcvocabsize, targetvocabsize
: Size of source/target vocabularies. This is constructed by taking the top X most frequent words. Rest are replaced with special UNK tokens.srcfile, targetfile
: Path to source/target training data, where each line represents a single source/target sequence.srcvalfile, targetvalfile
: Path to source/target validation data.batchsize
: Size of each mini-batch.seqlength
: Maximum sequence length (sequences longer than this are dropped).outputfile
: Prefix of the output file names.maxwordlength
: For the character models, words are truncated (if longer than maxwordlength) or zero-padded (if shorter) tomaxwordlength
: If 1, construct the character-level dataset as well. This might take up a lot of space depending on your data size, so you may want to break up the training data into different shards.srcvocabfile, targetvocabfile
: If working with a preset vocab, then including these paths will ignore thesrcvocabsize,targetvocabsize
: Ignore sentences with too many UNK tokens. Can be an absolute count limit (if > 1) or a proportional limit (0 < unkfilter < 1).shuffle
: Shuffle sentences.alignfile
: If provided with filenames that contain 'Pharaoh' format alignment on the train and validation data, source-to-target alignments are stored in the dataset.
Data options
data_file, val_data_file
: Path to the training/validation*.hdf5
files created from
: Savefile name (model will be saved assavefile_epochX_PPL.t7
after everysave_every
epoch where X is the X-th epoch and PPL is the validation perplexity at the epoch.num_shards
: If the training data has been broken up into different shards, then this is the number of shards.train_from
: If training from a checkpoint then this is the path to the pre-trained model.
Model options
: Number of layers in the LSTM encoder/decoder (i.e. number of stacks).rnn_size
: Size of LSTM hidden states.word_vec_size
: Word embedding size.attn
: If = 1, use attention over the source sequence during decoding. If = 0, then it uses the last hidden state of the encoder as the context at each time step.brnn
: If = 1, use a bidirectional LSTM on the encoder side. Input embeddings (or CharCNN if using characters) are shared between the forward/backward LSTM, and hidden states of the corresponding forward/backward LSTMs are added to obtain the hidden representation for that time step.use_chars_enc
: If = 1, use characters on the encoder side (as inputs).use_chars_dec
: If = 1, use characters on the decoder side (as inputs).reverse_src
: If = 1, reverse the source sequence. The original sequence-to-sequence paper found that this was crucial to achieving good performance, but with attention models this does not seem necessary. Recommend leaving it to 0.init_dec
: Initialize the hidden/cell state of the decoder at time 0 to be the last hidden/cell state of the encoder. If 0, the initial states of the decoder are set to zero vectors.input_feed
: If = 1, feed the context vector at each time step as additional input (via concatenation with the word embeddings) to the decoder.multi_attn
: If > 0, then use a multi-attention on this layer of the decoder. For example, ifnum_layers = 3
andmulti_attn = 2
, then the model will do an attention over the source sequence on the second layer (and use that as input to the third layer) and the penultimate layer. We've found that this did not really improve performance on translation, but may be helpful for other tasks where multiple attentional passes over the source sequence are required (e.g. for more complex reasoning tasks).res_net
: Use residual connections between LSTM stacks whereby the input to the l-th LSTM layer of the hidden state of the l-1-th LSTM layer summed with hidden state of the l-2th LSTM layer. We didn't find this to really help in our experiments.
Below options only apply if using the character model.
: If using characters, size of the character embeddings.kernel_width
: Size (i.e. width) of the convolutional filter.num_kernels
: Number of convolutional filters (feature maps). So the representation from characters will have this many dimensions.num_highway_layers
: Number of highway layers in the character composition model.
To build a model with guided alignment (implemented similarly to Guided Alignment Training for Topic-Aware Neural Machine Translation (Chen et al. 2016)):
: If 1, use external alignments to guide the attention weightsguided_alignment_weight
: weight for guided alignment criterionguided_alignment_decay
: decay rate per epoch for alignment weight
Optimization options
: Number of training epochs.start_epoch
: If loading from a checkpoint, the epoch from which to start.param_init
: Parameters of the model are initialized over a uniform distribution with support(-param_init, param_init)
: Optimization method, possible choices are 'sgd', 'adagrad', 'adadelta', 'adam'. For seq2seq I've found vanilla SGD to work well but feel free to experiment.learning_rate
: Starting learning rate. For 'adagrad', 'adadelta', and 'adam', this is the global learning rate. Recommended settings vary based onoptim
: sgd (learning_rate = 1
), adagrad (learning_rate = 0.1
), adadelta (learning_rate = 1
), adam (learning_rate = 0.1
: If the norm of the gradient vector exceeds this, renormalize to have its norm equal tomax_grad_norm
: Dropout probability. Dropout is applied between vertical LSTM stacks.lr_decay
: Decay learning rate by this much if (i) perplexity does not decrease on the validation set or (ii) epoch has gone past thestart_decay_at
epoch limit.start_decay_at
: Start decay after this epoch.curriculum
: For this many epochs, order the minibatches based on source sequence length. (Sometimes setting this to 1 will increase convergence speed).feature_embeddings_dim_exponent
: If the additional feature takesN
values, then the embbeding dimension will be set toN^exponent
: If using pretrained word embeddings (on the encoder side), this is the path to the *.hdf5 file with the embeddings. The hdf5 should have a single fieldword_vecs
, which references an array with dimensions vocab size by embedding size. Each row should be a word embedding and follow the same indexing scheme as the *.dict files from
. In order to be consistent withbeam.lua
, the first 4 indices should always be<blank>
: Path to *.hdf5 for pretrained word embeddings on the decoder side. See above for formatting of the *.hdf5 file.fix_word_vecs_enc
: If = 1, fix word embeddings on the encoder side.fix_word_vecs_dec
: If = 1, fix word embeddings on the decoder side.max_batch_l
: Batch size used to create the data
. If this is left blank (recommended), then the batch size will be inferred from the validation set.
Other options
: Use special start-of-sentence and end-of-sentence tokens on the source side. We've found this to make minimal difference.gpuid
: Which GPU to use (-1 = use cpu).gpuid2
: If this is >=0, then the model will use two GPUs whereby the encoder is on the first GPU and the decoder is on the second GPU. This will allow you to train bigger models.cudnn
: Whether to use cudnn or not for convolutions (for the character model).cudnn
has much faster convolutions so this is highly recommended if using the character model.save_every
: Save every this many epochs.print_every
: Print various stats after this many batches.seed
: Change the random seed for random numbers in torch - use that option to train alternate models for ensembleprealloc
: when set to 1 (default), enable memory preallocation and sharing between clones - this reduces by a lot the used memory - there should not be any situation where you don't need it. Also - since memory is preallocated, there is not (major) memory increase during the training. When set to 0, it rolls back to original memory optimization.
: Path to model .t7 file.src_file
: Source sequence to decode (one line per sequence).targ_file
: True target sequence (optional).output_file
: Path to output the predictions (each line will be the decoded sequence).src_dict
: Path to source vocabulary (*.src.dict
: Path to target vocabulary (*.targ.dict
: Prefix of the path to the features vocabularies (*.feature_N.dict
: Path to character vocabulary (*.char.dict
: Beam size (recommend keeping this at 5).max_sent_l
: Maximum sentence length. If any of the sequences insrcfile
are longer than this it will error out.simple
: If = 1, output prediction is simply the first time the top of the beam ends with an end-of-sentence token. If = 0, the model considers all hypotheses that have been generated so far that ends with end-of-sentence token and takes the highest scoring of all of them.replace_unk
: Replace the generated UNK tokens with the source token that had the highest attention weight. Ifsrctarg_dict
is provided, it will lookup the identified source token and give the corresponding target token. If it is not provided (or the identified source token does not exist in the table) then it will copy the source token.srctarg_dict
: Path to source-target dictionary to replace UNK tokens. Each line should be a source token and its corresponding target token, separated by|||
. For example
This dictionary can be obtained by, for example, running an alignment model as a preprocessing step. We recommend fast_align.
: If = 1, score the true target output as well.n_best
: If > 1, then it will also output an n_best list of decoded sentences in the following format.
1 ||| sentence_1 ||| sentence_1_score
2 ||| sentence_2 ||| sentence_2_score
: ID of the GPU to use (-1 = use CPU).gpuid2
: ID if the second GPU (if specified).cudnn
: If the model was trained withcudnn
, then this should be set to 1 (otherwise the model will fail to load).rescore
: when set to scorer name, use scorer to find hypothesis with highest score - available 'bleu', 'gleu'rescore_param
: parameter to rescorer - for bleu/gleu ngram length
Linguistic Input Features Improve Neural Machine Translation (Senrich et al. 2016) shows that translation performance can be increased by using additional input features.
Similarly to this work, you can annotate each word in the source text by using the -|-
word1-|-feat1-|-feat2 word2-|-feat1-|-feat2
It supports an arbitrary number of features with arbitrary labels. However, all input words must have the same number of annotations. See for example data/src-train-case.txt
which annotates each word with the case information.
To evaluate the model, the option -feature_dict_prefix
is required on evaluate.lua
which points to the prefix of the features dictionnaries generated during the preprocessing.
Compression of Neural Machine Translation Models via Pruning (See et al. 2016) shows that a model can be aggressively pruned while keeping the same performace.
To prune a model - you can use prune.lua
which implement class-bind, and class-uniform pruning technique from the paper.
: the model to prunesavefile
: name of the pruned modelgpuid
: Which gpu to use. -1 = use CPU. Depends if the model is serialized for GPU or CPUratio
: pruning rateprune
: pruning techniqueblind
, by defaultblind
note that the pruning cut connection with lowest weight in the linear models by using a boolean mask. The size of the file is a little larger since it stores the actual full matrix and the binary mask.
Models can be retrained - typically you can recover full capacity of a model pruned at 60% or even 80% by few epochs of additional trainings.
By default, the model will always save the final model as a CPU model, but it will save the
intermediate models as a CPU/GPU model depending on how you specified -gpuid
If you want to run beam search on the CPU with an intermediate model trained on the GPU,
you can use convert_to_cpu.lua
to convert the model to CPU and run beam search.
Training large sequence-to-sequence models can be memory-intensive. Memory requirements will dependent on batch size, maximum sequence length, vocabulary size, and (obviously) model size. Here are some benchmark numbers on a GeForce GTX Titan X. (assuming batch size of 64, maximum sequence length of 50 on both the source/target sequence, vocabulary size of 50000, and word embedding size equal to rnn size):
(prealloc = 0
- 1-layer, 100 hidden units: 0.7G, 21.5K tokens/sec
- 1-layer, 250 hidden units: 1.4G, 14.1K tokens/sec
- 1-layer, 500 hidden units: 2.6G, 9.4K tokens/sec
- 2-layers, 500 hidden units: 3.2G, 7.4K tokens/sec
- 4-layers, 1000 hidden units: 9.4G, 2.5K tokens/sec
Thanks to some fantastic work from folks at SYSTRAN, turning prealloc
will lead to much more memory efficient training
(prealloc = 1
- 1-layer, 100 hidden units: 0.5G, 22.4K tokens/sec
- 1-layer, 250 hidden units: 1.1G, 14.5K tokens/sec
- 1-layer, 500 hidden units: 2.1G, 10.0K tokens/sec
- 2-layers, 500 hidden units: 2.3G, 8.2K tokens/sec
- 4-layers, 1000 hidden units: 6.4G, 3.3K tokens/sec
Tokens/sec refers to total (i.e. source + target) tokens processed per second.
If using different batch sizes/sequence length, you should (linearly) scale
the above numbers accordingly. You can make use of memory on multiple GPUs by using
option in train.lua
. This will put the encoder on the GPU specified by
, and the decoder on the GPU specified by -gpuid2
For translation, evaluation via BLEU can be done by taking the output from beam.lua
and using the
script from Moses. For example
perl multi-bleu.perl gold.txt < pred.txt
We've uploaded English <-> German models trained on 4 million sentences from Workshop on Machine Translation 2015. Download link is below:
These models are 4-layer LSTMs with 1000 hidden units and essentially replicates the results from Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation, Luong et al. EMNLP 2015.
Our implementation utilizes code from the following: