Building JBoss EAP, or something similar...
As I was not able to build JBoss EAP 6+, I've made a script who can download JBoss EAP 6+'s source code, patch the repository and launch the build with a JBoss Maven repository.
The result isn't exactly a JBoss EAP binary but something with a few differences.
You can get the build script with git or wget.
If you want to run the script :
git clone git://
cd eap-build
For EAP 8 versions, you should use
For EAP 7 versions, you should use
By default, it builds the latest EAP 7 update. You can build other versions by passing the number to the build :
./ 7.2.3
For EAP 6 versions, you should use
By default, it builds the latest EAP 6 update. You can build other versions by passing the number to the build :
./ 6.4.19
If you don't want to use git, download the archive, unzip it and run the main script :
cd eap-build-master
The script supports 8.0.0
The script supports 7.0.0->7.0.9, 7.1.0->7.1.4, 7.2.0->7.2.9, 7.3.0->7.3.10, 7.4.0->7.4.15
The script supports 6.1.1, 6.2.0->6.2.4, 6.3.0->6.3.3, 6.4.0->6.4.23
You may build a docker image :
docker build --tag hasalex/eap-build --file docker/Dockerfile-debian .
And run it :
docker run --interactive --tty --publish 8080:8080 --publish 9990:9990 hasalex/eap-build
With a deployment, in detached mode :
docker run --detach --publish 8080:8080 --publish 9990:9990 \
--volume $(pwd)/myapp.war:/opt/jboss-eap/standalone/deployments/myapp.war \
You may want to build it without a checkout :
docker build --tag hasalex/eap-build --file docker/Dockerfile-debian
You may choose
an OS (debian, centos, alpine),
a version of JDK (default is 11),
a version of eap to build (default is empty AKA newest) :
docker build --tag hasalex/eap-build:7.3.9_jdk8 --build-arg JDK_VERSION=8 --build-arg EAP_VERSION=7.3.9 --file docker/Dockerfile-alpine .
You may also test the build on FreeBSD with Vagrant :
cd vagrant-freebsd && vagrant up && vagrant ssh
cd eap-build
bash -i
The script is in bash. It should run on almost all bash-compatible systems. You have to install wget, unzip, patch, java (JDK), grep, curl, maven and xmlstarlet first.