Any amazing 🔥 code you may think of in Java, let's compile all of them here, also a ⭐ never hurts 😁
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Snake Game Applet
- Add Fibonacci numbers
- Matrix Operations
- Tree
- Permutation of a string
- Palindrome number checking
- OTP Generator
- Simple-DES encryption algorithm
- Calculate Pi
- Dynammic Programming
- FindMinimumRotatedSortedArray
- Find Prime
- Pass Generator
- Sorting Algorithms (BubbleSort)
This project is organized according to the convention of Maven project.
Make sure you have apache maven installed.
The default maven goal is mvn clean install
however you may just run mvn to compile at the project level, or at the module level.
~/checkouts/Let-Us-Java >>> mvn
To generate the documentation, you may use doc profile when running maven. It will perform maven goal mvn site:site site:stage
. Find the generated document in ./target/staging/ directory
~/checkouts/Let-Us-Java >>> mvn -P doc
- Add Fibonacci numbers
- Armstrong number
- Calculate Pi
- Class usage questions
- Codechef questions
- Dynammic Programming
- Find Minimum Rotated Sorted Array
- Find Prime
- Kickstart questions
- LeetCode Solutions
- Matrix Operations
- OTP Generator
- Palindrome checking
- Pass Generator
- Password validation in Java
- Permutation of string
- Random interview qustions
- Simple DES encryption algorithm
- Snake game applet
- Sorting algorithms
- Steganography
- Towers of Hanoi
- Tree
- DudeHere1
- Pradyuman7
- manos1996
- Masum
- Pulsejit
- mSalman321
- dennism501
- Avhijit-codeboy
- Utsav1999
- RasmusKnothNielsen <<<<<<< HEAD
- fazreil =======
- mKittyD