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farhanrahman edited this page Jun 22, 2012 · 2 revisions

ActionHandler that handles the SubmitCarbonEmissionReport action that can be invoked by any Participant.

Service Dependencies

CarbonReportingService: Depends on this service to update the shared state of the participant that invoked the action.


In the file, this class is registered as a valid action handler. In order to specify that it specifically handles the SubmitCarbonEmissionReport the canHandle() function of the super class ActionHandler needs to be overridden as follow:

	public boolean canHandle(Action action) {
		return action instanceof SubmitCarbonEmissionReport;

The handle() function is overridden such that it first typecasts the action to a SubmitCarbonEmissionReport action with handling the ActionHandlingException. The overridden function is as follows:

	public Input handle(Action action, UUID actor)
			throws ActionHandlingException {
		if(action instanceof SubmitCarbonEmissionReport){
			SubmitCarbonEmissionReport reportAction = (SubmitCarbonEmissionReport) action;
			synchronized(crs){, reportAction.getCarbonEmission(), reportAction.getSimTime());
			return null;
		throw new ActionHandlingException("Action not recognized (From SubmitCarbonEmissionReportHandler");