This repository optimizes SLA management for inter-provider 6G networks. It includes code and documentation for inter-proivder agreements creation, monitoring, and billing.
This repository contains a collection of smart contracts that implement various functionalities for a decentralized marketplace, reverse auction, monitor oracle, breach SLA, and penalty billing.
This contract implements a decentralized marketplace where consumers and providers can register, tokenize their identity, and interact to offer and purchase services. It includes features such as registration buttons, service listing, and identity management. Also service providers can upload service catalougs on IPFS. And publish the hash on the smart contract for consumer to see.
The reverseAuction.sol contract builds upon the decentralized marketplace and introduces a reverse auction mechanism. Consumers can start an auction by specifying features and time allocation. Providers registered with tokenized identities can submit bids. The contract applies the reverse auction mechanism to choose a winner, and the consumer can access the winner's identity and offer.
The monitorOracle.sol contract is designed to fetch data from an external API using Chainlink automation. It inherits the functionalities of the decentralized marketplace, reverse auction, and breach SLA contracts. It includes buttons to fetch data, show data, and show the endpoint. It provides comments on Chainlink automation and includes a link to the Chainlink website for further information.
The breachSLA.sol contract allows consumers to set Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements by providing values for KPI 1 (bytes) and KPI 2 (int256). The contract triggers the monitorOracle to fetch corresponding data and compares it with the given SLA values. If a breach occurs, the breach count is incremented. Consumers and providers can check breaches using a button.
The penaltyBilling.sol contract combines the functionalities of the decentralized marketplace, reverse auction, monitor oracle, and breach SLA contracts. It calculates penalties for breaches based on a penalty rate and the total number of breaches recorded. Consumers and providers can view the total penalty assigned to a specific provider. Additionally, it includes buttons for providers to ask for funds and offer refunds, and for consumers to send payments and request refunds.
To deploy and use these smart contracts, follow these steps:
- Install a compatible Ethereum development environment, such as Remix or Truffle.
- Compile and deploy the smart contracts to your chosen Ethereum network or local blockchain.
- Interact with the deployed contracts using the provided functions and buttons.
To deploy these contracts on the Polygon testnet, you would need to follow these steps:
Set up your development environment: Install a compatible Ethereum development environment, such as Remix or Truffle, and configure it to connect to the Polygon testnet. You can refer to the official Polygon documentation for detailed instructions on setting up your environment.
Update the contract deployment configurations: Update the deployment configurations in the contract deployment scripts or deployment files to target the Polygon testnet. This includes specifying the network endpoint, contract addresses, and any other relevant network-specific details.
Compile and deploy the contracts: Compile the smart contracts and deploy them to the Polygon testnet using your chosen development environment or deployment tool. Ensure that you have sufficient testnet Ether (MATIC) in your testnet account to cover the deployment and transaction fees.
Interact with the deployed contracts: Once the contracts are successfully deployed, you can interact with them using the provided functions and buttons. Connect your chosen wallet (such as Metamask) to the Polygon testnet and use tools like Remix, Truffle, or custom front-end applications to interact with the contracts and test their functionalities.
Remember to use the appropriate contract addresses, ABI (Application Binary Interface), and network configuration when interacting with the contracts on the Polygon testnet.
It's important to note that deploying and testing the contracts on a testnet like Polygon helps ensure that everything is functioning as expected before deploying them on the Ethereum mainnet
Make sure to configure any required external dependencies, such as Chainlink oracles, to enable the full functionality of the contracts.