Capture video and audio from a Chrome tab using the chrome.tabCapture
API. Built on Puppeteer and puppeteer-stream
download the latest release for macOS or Windows
or run in docker:
docker run -d --name chrome-capture -p 5589:5589 fancybits/chrome-capture-for-channels
a http server is listening on port 5589 and responds to these routes. the response is a webm stream with h264 video and opus audio.
for stream names registered in the code/stream?url=<url>
for other arbitrary URLs
setup a new Custom Channel using:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="weatherscan",Weatherscan
to setup a development environment where you can edit and run main.js
winget install -e --id Git.Git
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS
git clone
cd chrome-capture-for-channels
npm install
node main.js
brew install nodejs git
git clone
cd chrome-capture-for-channels
npm install
node main.js