JaCoCo is a free Java code coverage library distributed under the Eclipse Public License. Check the project homepage for downloads, documentation and feedback.
Please use our mailing list for questions regarding JaCoCo which are not already covered by the extensive documentation.
Note: We do not answer general questions in the project's issue tracker. Please use our mailing list for this.
- 父module在构建时去除了[org.jacoco.agent.rt,org.jacoco.examples jacoco-maven-plugin,org.jacoco.tests,org.jacoco.doc] 这些module的依赖。
- 只启用了org.jacoco.cli这个模块,以及这个模块依赖的相关模块
## 首先从服务器 dump exec文件
java -jar org.jacoco.cli-0.8.7-nodeps.jar dump \
--address \
--port 6300 \
--destfile /your/exec/file/path/xxx.exec
## 然后生成报告
java -jar org.jacoco.cli-0.8.7-nodeps.jar \
report /your/exec/file/path/xxx.exec \
--classfiles /your/java/classes/path/.../classes \
--sourcefiles /your/java/src/path/.../main/java \
--html /your/output/dir/path \
--gitRepositoryPath /your/gitrepository/path \
--fromCommit master \
--toCommit develop
- [gitRepositoryPath, fromCommit, toCommit] 这些参数均填写正确才会触发增量代码模式,否则时全量模式