0.62 stable is here 🎉
Thanks to everyone who contributed and helped to get this together, everyone worked really hard and we hope you are as excited as we are 🤗
Some of the major changes that this version brings:
- Flipper support
- a new LogBox experience
- better dark mode support
Among many others - please refer to the blog post for more details.
This release comes in the midst of a global pandemic. We’re releasing this version today to respect the work of hundreds of contributors who made this release possible and to prevent the release from falling too far behind master. You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release at this issue, but please be mindful of the reduced capacity of contributors to help with issues and prepare to delay upgrading if necessary.
You can upgrade to this version using the upgrade helper webtool ⚛️
And if you are having troubles, please refer to the new Upgrade Support repository by our awesome community.
You can find the whole changelog history over at react-native-releases