Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools installed and set up on your local environment:
Skaffold is used to build, push, and deploy your application to Kubernetes.
You can install it by following the instructions here.
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, enabling you to manage Kubernetes applications easily.
You can install it by following the steps here.
Minikube runs a local Kubernetes cluster, ideal for development and testing.
You can install it by following the guide here.
Start your minikube instance with:
minikube start
Kubectl is a command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to manage and inspect cluster resources. While not strictly required, it's highly recommended for debugging and interacting with your Kubernetes environment.
You can install it by following the instructions here.
OpenLens is a graphical user interface for managing and monitoring Kubernetes clusters. It provides a visual way to interact with resources.
While it's optional, it can significantly improve your workflow. You can download it here.
helm repo add localstack
helm repo add zoo-project
After installing these tools, ensure they are available in your terminal by running the following commands:
skaffold version
helm version
minikube version
If all commands return a version, you’re good to go!
Run the Mastering Earth Observation Application Packaging with CWL module on minikube with:
cd mastering-app-package
skaffold dev
Wait for the deployment to stablize (1-2 minutes) and the open your browser on the link printed, usually
The typical output is:
No tags generated
Starting deploy...
Helm release eoap-mastering-app-package not installed. Installing...
NAME: eoap-mastering-app-package
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 14 12:20:47 2024
NAMESPACE: eoap-mastering-app-package
STATUS: deployed
Helm release eoap-mastering-app-package-localstack not installed. Installing...
NAME: eoap-mastering-app-package-localstack
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 14 12:20:49 2024
NAMESPACE: eoap-mastering-app-package
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace "eoap-mastering-app-package" -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace "eoap-mastering-app-package" $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
echo "Visit to use your application"
kubectl --namespace "eoap-mastering-app-package" port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT
Waiting for deployments to stabilize...
- eoap-mastering-app-package:deployment/code-server-deployment: waiting for init container init-file-on-volume to complete
- eoap-mastering-app-package:pod/code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv: waiting for init container init-file-on-volume to complete
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] + cd /workspace
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] + git clone
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] Cloning into 'mastering-app-package'...
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] + code-server --install-extension ms-python.python
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] [2024-10-14T10:20:50.244Z] info Wrote default config file to /workspace/.config/code-server/config.yaml
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] Installing extensions...
> [code-server-deployment-7f8865cd65-zkqnv init-file-on-volume] Installing extension 'ms-python.python'...
- eoap-mastering-app-package:deployment/eoap-mastering-app-package-localstack: Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
- eoap-mastering-app-package:pod/eoap-mastering-app-package-localstack-579f879dff-h9plw: Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
- eoap-mastering-app-package:deployment/eoap-mastering-app-package-localstack is ready. [1/2 deployment(s) still pending]
- eoap-mastering-app-package:deployment/code-server-deployment is ready.
Deployments stabilized in 1 minute 9.074 seconds
Port forwarding service/code-server-service in namespace eoap-mastering-app-package, remote port 8080 ->
No artifacts found to watch
Press Ctrl+C to exit
Watching for changes...