This project builds a docker container for running fabric8
If you have docker installed you should be able to try it out via
docker pull fabric8/fabric8
docker run --name myfabric -Pit -e DOCKER_HOST= fabric8/fabric8
Where the value of DOCKER_HOST should be the URL (ideally http) where the docker container can access the Docker Remote API to be able to create/start/stop containers in docker.
To find the port to connect to the web console try:
docker port myfabric 8181
You may wish to replace the address with the actual ip address of your DOCKER_HOST.
You can pass in various environment variables to customise how a fabric is created or joined; or specify stand alone mode if required etc.
In addition, the Docker image allows you to override a few other things through environment variables:
: the admin username you can use to connect to the Karaf shell as & authenticate to HawtIO (default:admin
: the admin password to use (default:admin
: the URI to the Docker REST endpoint. This is necessary if you want to manage Docker containers from your Docker container :) (default:tcp://
You can then run docker attach or docker logs to get the logs at any time.
Run docker ps to see all the running containers or docker inspect $containerID to view the IP address and details of a container
- there is a known issue with the use of boot2docker where permissions are not setup correctly so the fabric8 cannot startup. Works fine on linux though!
- DOCKER_HOST must point to a TCP / HTTP endpoint for now; we don't yet support using unix sockets to communicate with the Docker REST API.
If you want to run the docker container a bit more like running the bin/fabric8 command where you get an interactive colourful ssh shell on the command line then try this:
docker run -Pit fabric8/fabric8 /home/fabric8/fabric8-karaf/bin/fabric8
Find the port that 8181 is exposed from the container to the host via
docker ps
and looking for the text 4XXXX->8181 then find the correct value of 4XXXX.
Then open a browser at http://$HOST:4XXX using the correct value of HOST. If you are on linux then this can be localhost or if you use boot2docker then its the IP adress output via
boot2docker ip
You should now see the fabric8 web console from which you can browse the git repository, running containers and create new containers.
Creating new containers (like Java Containers, Spring Boot, Tomcat, Jetty etc) creates a new docker image on the fly based on the profile metadata and deployment units then starts it up using the Docker Remote API.
We have a Docker Index trusted build setup to automatically rebuild the fabric8/fabric8 container whenever the Dockerfile is updated, so you shouldn't have to rebuild it locally. But if you want to, here's now to do it...
Once you have installed docker you should be able to create the containers via the following:
If you are on OS X then see How to use Docker on OS X.
git clone
cd fabric8-docker
The fabric8 container should then build.
To create a fabric8 using your local build try the following:
docker run -Pit -e DOCKER_HOST= -e FABRIC8_DOCKER_IMAGE_FABRIC8=fabric8:fabric8 fabric8:fabric8
This will then startup your locally built image fabric8:fabric8 and then use that image when creating any new karaf based containers via the CLI or web console.
To spin up a shell in one of the containers try:
docker run -Pit fabric8/fabric8 /bin/bash
You can then noodle around the container and run stuff & look at files etc.
- If you are on OS X then see the How to use Docker on OS X The Missing Guide and How to use Docker on OS X.
- Until docker exec is supported; you should look at using nsenter to get a shell inside a container instance. Check out this awesome blog on how to do that.