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3. Command line options

fabnicol edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 60 revisions

mkg [1]
mkg [[switch=argument]...] filename.iso [2]
mkg [[switch=argument]...] [3]
mkg help[=md] [4]

Usage [1] and [2] create a bootable ISO output file with a current
Gentoo distribution.
For [1], implicit ISO output name is gentoo.iso
Usage [3] creates a VirtualBox VDI dynamic disk and a virtual machine
with name Gentoo.
Usage [4] prints this help, in markdown form if argument 'md' is
Warning: you should have at least 55 GB of free disk space in the
current directory or in vmpath if specified.

Arguments with white space (like cflags="-O2 -march=...") should be
written in list form with commas and no spaces, enclosed within single
quotes: cflags=\'[-O2,-march=...]\'
The same holds for paths with white space.

As of March, 2021, part of the build is performed
by Github Actions automatically. An ISO file of CloneZilla
supplemented with VirtualBox guest additions will be downloaded
from the resulting automated Github release. To disable this behavior
you can add use_clonezilla_workflow=false to command line, or build the
custom ISO file beforehand using the companion project
clonezilla_with_virtualbox. In this case, add:
to command line.
Within containers, use_clonezilla_workflow, build_virtualbox
and test_emerge are not (yet) supported and will fail.
A similar procedure also applies to the minimal Gentoo install ISO.
MKG scripts and the stage3 archive are added within its squashfs filesystem
by the Github Actions workflow of the MKG Github site.
An ISO file labelled downloaded.iso is automatically released
by the workflow. It will be downloaded from the MKG Github release section.
This preprocessed ISO has build parameter presets. It builds the full desktop.
In particular, the following command line options will be ignored:
bios, cflags, clonezilla_install, debug_mode, elist, emirrors,
kernel_config, mem, minimal, minimal_size, nonroot_user, passwd,
processor, rootpasswd, stage3_tag, vm_keymap, vm_language.
You can however use ncpus with values 1 to 6 included.
Memory will be automatically allocated depending on ncpus value.
To disable this behavior you can add use_mkg_workflow=false
to command line. You will need to do so if you do not use OS build presets.

GUI mode and background runs

To run in the background, either add gui=false & to your command line
or, if you want to keep a VirtualBox GUI and not run in headless mode,
first launch in the foreground then use bg %n (where n is the
corresponding shell job shown in the output of the jobs command).


Boolean values are either true or false. For example, to build
a minimal distribution, add to command line:
or simply: minimal as true can be omitted (unlike false).


$ ./mkg pdfpage
$ ./mkg debug_mode verbose from_vm vm=Gentoo gentoo_small.iso \
ext_device=sdc device_installer blank burn cleanup=false
# ./mkg download_arch=false download=false download_clonezilla=false \
custom_clonezilla=clonezilla_cached.iso use_mkg_workflow=false nonroot_user=phil
# nohup ./mkg plot plot_color=red plot_period=10 plot_pause=7 \
compact minimal minimal_size=false use_mkg_workflow=false gui=false elist=myebuilds \ email_passwd='mypasswd' &
# nohup ./mkg gui=false from_device=sdc gentoo_backup.iso &
# ./mkg dockerize minimal use_mkg_workflow=false ncpus=5 mem=10000 gentoo.iso

Type Conventions:
b: true/false Boolean
o: on/off Boolean
n: Integer
f: Filepath
d: Directory path
e: Email address
s: String
u: URL

When a field depends on another, a colon separates the type and
the name of the dependency. dep is a reserved word for dummy defaults of dependencies i.e.
optional strings that may remain unspecified.
Some options are incompatible, e.g. test_only and use_mkg_workflow

Option Description Default value Type
debug_mode Do not clean up mkg custom logs at root of gentoo system files before VM shutdown. Boolean. [ false ] b
verbose Increase verbosity [ false ] b
bios Type of bootloader: BIOS or EFI (default) [ false ] b
blank Blank rewritable optical disk before burning installation image. [ false ] b
build_virtualbox Download code source and automatically build virtualbox and tools. Yields VirtualBox and vbox-img executables under main directory and subdirectory virtualbox with the build, including documentation. [ false ] b
burn Burn to optical disc. Boolean. [ false ] b
cdrecord cdrecord full path. Automatically determined if left unspecified. [ which cdrecord ] f:burn
cflags GCC CFLAGS options for ebuilds [ '[-march=native,-O2]' ] s
check_vbox_version Check that VirtualBox version within a container is the same as in the host platform [ ] s
cleanup Clean up archives, temporary images and virtual machine after successful completion. Boolean. [ true ] b
clonezilla_install Use the CloneZilla live CD instead of the official Gentoo minimal install CD. May be more robust for headless install, owing to a VB bug requiring artificial keyboard input (see doc). [ false ] b
cloning_method Method used by hot_install ext_device=... to intall Gentoo to disk. One of: 'guestfish' (default) or 'qemu' [ guestfish ] s:ext_device
compact Compact virtual disk after VM building. Caution: this may impede hot_install and ext_device. [ false ] b
cpuexecutioncap Maximum percentage of CPU per core (0 to 100) [ 100 ] n
CRAN_REPOS CRAN repository URL for downloading extra R packages [ ] s
create_squashfs (Re)create the squashfs filesystem. Boolean. [ true ] b
custom_clonezilla Use this previously created custom CloneZilla ISO with added VirtualBox and guest additions. [ dep ] s
cut_iso Cut ISO files created for Gentoo installers into 2GB chunks. Entails sums=true. [ false ] b
device_installer Create Gentoo clone installer on external device. ext_device value must be specified. [ ]
disable_checksum Disable checksum verification after downloads. Boolean. [ false ] b
disconnect Unmount guest virtual disk from host. [ true ] b
dockerize Use a pre-built Docker image to run MKG into. Incompatible with e.g. 'gui', 'hot_install', 'plot', 'test_emerge' [ false ] b
docker_image_path URL to ../'workflow_tag2'/mygentoo-'workflow_tag2'.tar.xz [ path5 ] s:workflow_tag2
download Download install ISO image from Gentoo mirror. Boolean. [ true ] b
download_arch Download and install stage3 archive to virtual disk. Booelan. [ true ] b
download_clonezilla Refresh CloneZilla ISO download. An ISO file must have been downloaded to create the recovery image of the Gentoo platform once the virtual machine has ended its job. Boolean [ true ] b
download_clonezilla_path Download the following CloneZilla ISO [ path1 ] u
download_only Only download the Gentoo minimal install ISO and stage3 archive of the day, then exit. [ false ] b
efi_size Size of EFI partition in MiB. [ 512 ] n
elist File containing a list of Gentoo ebuilds to add to the VM on top of stage3. Note: if the default value is not used, adjust the names of the 'elist'.accept_keywords and 'elist'.use files [ ebuilds.list ] f
email Email address to send a warning to upon build completion. Note: you will have to accept so-called insecure software with some providers. It is not insecure if you are using your private PC throughout. [ ] e
email_passwd Email password [ ] s:email
emirrors Mirror sites for downloading ebuilds [ path2 ] u
exitcode Print virtual machine final exit code (0 on success) [ false ] b
ext_device Create Gentoo OS on external device. Argument is either a device label (e.g. sdb, hdb), or a mountpoint directory (if mounted), or a few consecutive letters of the model name (e.g. 'Hitachi HDS5C3020BLE630', 'PNY CS900 960GB' or 'WDC WD30'), if there is just one such. Requires either device_installer or hot_install on commandline. [ dep ] s
force Forcefully creates machine even if others with same same exist. Stops and restarts VBox daemons. Not advised if other VMs are running. [ false ] b
from_device Do not Generate Gentoo but use the external device on which Gentoo was previously installed. Boolean. [ false ] b:ext_device
from_iso Do not generate Gentoo but use the bootable ISO given on commandline. [ false ] b
from_vm Do not generate Gentoo but use the VM. Boolean. [ false ] b
full_cleanup Remove virtual disk, archives and ISO files on clean-up [ false ] b
github_release_path URL to Github Release of clonezilla_with_virtualbox.iso [ path3 ] s
github_release_path2 URL to Github Release of preprocessed_gentoo_install.iso [ path4 ] s
gui Binary: true corresponds to VBoxManage startvm ... --type=gui, false to --type=headless [ true ] b
help This help [ ]
hot_install Intall to Gentoo attached device (like /dev/sdb) possibly mounted (like /media/USER/567EAF). To be used with ext_device=... [ false ] b:ext_device
htmlpage Create HTML help page [ false ] b
hwvirtex Activate HWVIRTEX: on/off [ on ] o
interactive Allow interaction with user. This may cause deadlock if process is detached from the console (nohup or other methods) [ true ] b
ioapic IOAPIC parameter: on or off [ on ] o
kernel_config Use a custom kernel config file [ .config ] f
livecd Path to the live CD that will start the VM [ gentoo.iso ] f
logging Activate logging [ true ] b
manpage Create manpage mkg.1 [ false ] b
mem VM RAM memory in MiB [ 8000 ] n
minimal Remove libreoffice and data science tools from default list of installed software. Boolean. [ false ] b
minimal_size Remove kernel sources to minimize packaging. Not advised for personal use but OK for deployment and distribution. [ true ] b
mirror Mirror site for downloading of stage3 tarball [ path2 ] u
ncpus Number of VM CPUs. By default the third of available threads. You should not configure virtual machines to use more CPU cores than are available physically. This includes real cores, with no hyperthreads. [ count ] n
no_run Thwart VM generation, only perform other operations (if valid). [ false ] b
nonroot_user Non-root user [ fab ] s
pae Activate PAE: on/off [ on ] o
paravirtprovider Virtualization interface: kvm for GNU/Linux, may be tweaked (see VirtualBox documentation) [ kvm ] s
passwd User password [ _user2021_ ] s
pdfpage Create PDF help page [ false ] b
plot Plot VDI disk size using GNUPlot [ false ] b
plot_color Plot line color between simple quotes (e.g: 'cyan','red' etc.) [ 'cyan' ] s
plot_pause Number of seconds of plot display per minute of processing. Maximum 50. [ 5 ] n
plot_period Number of minutes elapsed between two successive plots [ 10 ] n
plot_position Plot position of on monitor screen (top-left angle) in pixels e.g '0,0' or '500,500' [ '0,0' ] s
plot_span Number of minutes of virtual disk processing to be plotted, back in time [ 1200 ] n
postpone_qemu If using share_root='r' or 'w', do not run the virtual machine but use the VDI disk corresponding to vm=... Otherwise start 15 minutes later. [ false ] b
processor Processor type [ amd64 ] s
pull Invoke 'git pull' in mkg local repository on startup. [ false ] b
quiet_mode Silence output except for the most severe errors. [ false ] b
rootpasswd Root password [ _dev2021_ ] s
rtcuseutc Use UTC as time reference: on/off [ on ] o
scsi_address In case of several optical disc burners, specify the SCSI address as x,y,z [ ] s
shared_dir Host mount point for guest virtual disk filesystem [ /vdi ] s
share_root Mount guest virtual disk to host folder shared_folder. Argument is 'w' to enable write I/O or read-mode 'r'. May raise security issues, see Wiki. [ dep ] s:shared_dir
size Dynamic disc size [ 55000 ] n
smtp_url SMTP URL of email provider for end-of-job warning. Default: gmail SMTP [ smtps:// ] u
stage3 Path to stage3 archive [ stage3.tar.xz ] f
stage3_tag Type of stage3 package [openrc, systemd, hardened-openrc]. Experimental. [ openrc ] s
sums Output b2sum and sha512sum of ISO output (only) in file SUMS_[name of ISO output] [ false ] b
swap_size Size of swap partition in MiB. [ 1024 ] n
test_emerge Test whether emerge will be able to install packages in the VM before starting it. [ false ] b
test_only Only test if portage will be able to install packages. Do not create a virtual machine. [ false ] b
timezone Set timezone. See /usr/share/zoneinfo for formats. [ US/Eastern ] s
usbehci Activate USB2 driver: on/off [ off ] o
usbxhci Activate USB3 driver: on/off. Note: if on, needs extension pack. [ off ] o
use_bsdtar Use 'bsdtar' (from libarchive) to extract CloneZilla ISO files if creating an ISO installer. [ true ] b
use_clonezilla_workflow Use Github Actions workflow to add virtualbox guest additions to CloneZilla ISO. [ true ] b
use_mkg_workflow Use Github Actions workflow to preprocess minimal Gentoo ISO by adding MKG scripts inside the squashfs filesystem. [ true ] b
use_qemu Use qemu instead of guestfish for installing Gentoo to block device with hot_install [ false ] b
vbox_version Virtualbox version [ 6.1.20 ] s
vbox_version_full Virtualbox full version [ 6.1.20 ] s
vbpath Path to VirtualBox directory [ /usr/bin ] d
vm Virtual Machine name. Unless 'force=true' is used, a time stamp will be appended to avoid registry issues with prior VMs of the same name. [ Gentoo ] vm
vm_keymap Add support for non-US English keymaps. Use values in /usr/share/keymaps, e.g. fr, de, us. [ us ] s
vm_language Add support for non-US English language as a default. Use standard abbreviations. Must be at least 5 characters: e.g. fr_FR, de_DE, fr_FR.utf8 [ en_US.utf8 ] s
vmpath Path to VM base directory [ $PWD ] d
vtxvpid Activate VTXVPID: on/off [ on ] o
workflow_tag Tag version (vX.Y) of the release of file clonezilla_with_virtualbox.iso by Github Actions [ v2.0 ] s
workflow_tag2 Tag version (vX.Y) of the release of file preprocessed_gentoo_install.iso by Github Actions (MKG site) [ release-master or release-gnome ] s

count: nproc --all / 3