Based on linuxserver/docker-baseimage-alpine & mopidy/*, as well as the Iris Mopidy Client. Also available at [DockerHub](
Should get used in conjunction with snapcast, as shown in
- Mopidy plugins
- Mopidy-Bandcamp
- Mopidy-Iris
- Mopidy-Jellyfin
- Mopidy-Podcast
- Mopidy-Scrobbler
- Mopidy-SomaFM
- Mopidy-Subidy
- Iris Mopidy Client
- Iris can function as snapclient stream & manage snapserver
- FIFO usage to stream the audio from mopidy to snapcast
- Based on linuxserver/docker-baseimage-alpine
- ... which allows use of linuxserver/docker-mods to add more pip & OS packages
- Uses s6-overlay from base image
- small footprint
I strongly advice to use docker-compose, as using a docker commandline is quite annoying with a complex setup. An example can get found in the repository.
version: "3"
hostname: mopidy
- PUID=1000 # user ID which the mopidy service will run as, needs permissions to access the music
- PGID=1000 # group ID which the mopidy service will run as, needs permissions to access the music
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
# Set alpine or pip package ENV vars for further mopidy extensions
- DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:universal-package-install
- INSTALL_PIP_PACKAGES=Mopidy-Beets|Mopidy-dLeyna|Mopidy-InternetArchive|Mopidy-TuneIn|Mopidy-YTMusic
# - INSTALL_PACKAGES=mopidy-podcast
restart: "unless-stopped"
- 6600:6600 # Remote Control port for MPD
- 6680:6680 # HTML API & Webinterface port for accessing mopidy
# devices:
# - /dev/snd:/dev/snd # optional, needed if you want to play to host audio devices.
- $MOPIROOM_FOLDER/config/:/config/
# contains mopidy configured FIFO location,
# check mopidy.conf <>
# will get used by snapcast and streamed to the network.
# ```conf
# [audio]
# output = (...) location=/data/audio/snapcast_fifo
# ```
# mopidy--FIFO-in-FileSystem-->SnapServer--LAN-Stream-->SnapClient
- $MOPIROOM_FOLDER/data/:/data/
- $MOPIROOM_FOLDER/:/music/:ro # READ-ONLY & optional (needed if you want to play audio files from host)
# One should use snapcast along mopidy/iris, use