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Brought to you by FiscalNote, Inc
swift build
swift test
Add the following to your podfile
pod 'Thrift-swift3', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
Unfortunately due to some limitations in SPM, the Package manifest and Sources directory must be at the root of the project. To get around that for the time being, you can use this mirrored repo. Add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)
You can compile IDL sources for Swift 3 with the following command:
thrift --gen swift_3 thrift_file
let transport = TSocketTransport(hostname: "localhost", port: 9090)!
// var proto = TCompactProtocol(transport: transport)
let proto = TBinaryProtocol(on: transport)
// var client = HermesClient(inoutProtocol: proto)
let client = ThriftTestClient(inoutProtocol: proto)
do {
try client.testVoid()
} catch let error {
- Eliminated Protocol Factories, They were only used in async clients and server implementations, where Generics provide a better alternative.
- Swifty Errors, All
types have a nestedErrorCode
Enum as well as some extra flavor where needed. - Value typed everything.
operates on value typedData
rather than reference typedNSData
s - Swift 3 Named protocols. Swift 3 naming conventions suggest the elimination of redundant words that can be inferred from variable/function signatures. This renaming is applied throughout the Swift 3 library converting most naming conventions used in the Swift2/Cocoa library to Swift 3-esque naming conventions. eg.
func readString() throws -> String
func writeString(_ val: String) throws
have been renamed to eliminate redundant words:
func read() throws -> String
func write(_ val: String) throws
- Eliminated
that usesNSURLConnection
due to it being deprecated and not available at all in Swift 3 for Linux.THTTPSessionTransport
from the Swift2/Cocoa library that usesNSURLSession
has been renamed toTHTTPTransport
for this library and leveragesURLSession
, providing both synchronous (with semaphores) and asynchronous behavior. - Probably some More things I've missed here.
Flag | Description |
async_clients | Generate clients which invoke asynchronously via block syntax.Asynchronous classes are appended with _Async |
no_strict* | Generates non-strict structs |
debug_descriptions | Allow use of debugDescription so the app can add description via a cateogory/extension |
log_unexpected | Log every time an unexpected field ID or type is encountered. |
*Most thrift libraries allow empty initialization of Structs, initializing required
fields with nil/null/None (Python and Node generators). Swift on the other hand requires initializers to initialize all non-Optional fields, and thus the Swift 3 generator does not provide default values (unlike the Swift 2/Cocoa generator). In other languages, this allows the sending of NULL values in fields that are marked required
, and thus will throw an error in Swift clients attempting to validate fields. The no_strict
option here will ignore the validation check, as well as behave similar to the Swift2/Cocoa generator and initialize required fields with empty initializers (where possible).
- TSocketTransport - CFSocket and PosixSocket variants available. CFSocket variant only currently available for Darwin platforms
- THTTPTransport - Currently only available for Darwin platforms, Swift Foundation URLSession implementation needs completion on linux.
- TSocketServer - Uses CFSockets only for binding, should be working on linux
- TFramedTransport
- TMemoryBufferTransport
- TFileTransport - A few variants using File handles and file descriptors.
- TStreamTransport - Fully functional in Darwin, Foundation backing not yet completed in Linux (This limits TCFSocketTransport to Darwin)
- HTTPServer - Currently there is no lightweight HTTPServer implementation the Swift Standard Library, so other 3rd party alternatives are required and out of scope for the Thrift library. Examples using Perfect will be provided.
- Other (gz, etc)
- TBinaryProtocol
- TCompactProtocol
- TJSONProtocol - This will need to be implemented
- Code Complete Generator
- Async clients
- Documentation Generation - Generator will transplant IDL docs to Swift code for easy lookup in Xcode
- Default Values - TODO
- no_strict mode - TODO
- Namespacing - Still haven't nailed down a good paradigm for namespacing. It will likely involve creating subdirectories for different namespaces and expecting the developer to import each subdirectory as separate modules. It could extend to creating SPM Package manifests with sub-modules within the generated module
import PerfectLib
import PerfectHTTP
import PerfectHTTPServer
import Dispatch
let logQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "log", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
let pQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "log", qos: .userInitiated, attributes: .concurrent)
class TPerfectServer<InProtocol: TProtocol, OutProtocol: TProtocol> {
private var server = HTTPServer()
private var processor: TProcessor
init(address: String? = nil,
path: String? = nil,
port: Int,
processor: TProcessor,
inProtocol: InProtocol.Type,
outProtocol: OutProtocol.Type) throws {
self.processor = processor
if let address = address {
server.serverAddress = address
server.serverPort = UInt16(port)
var routes = Routes()
var uri = "/"
if let path = path {
uri += path
routes.add(method: .post, uri: uri) { request, response in
pQueue.async {
response.setHeader(.contentType, value: "application/x-thrift")
let itrans = TMemoryBufferTransport()
if let bytes = request.postBodyBytes {
let data = Data(bytes: bytes)
itrans.reset(readBuffer: data)
let otrans = TMemoryBufferTransport(flushHandler: { trans, buff in
let array = buff.withUnsafeBytes {
Array<UInt8>(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: buff.count))
response.status = .ok
response.setBody(bytes: array)
let inproto = InProtocol(on: itrans)
let outproto = OutProtocol(on: otrans)
do {
try processor.process(on: inproto, outProtocol: outproto)
try otrans.flush()
} catch {
response.status = .badRequest
func serve() throws {
try server.start()
class ServiceHandler : Service {
let server = try? TPerfectServer(port: 9090,
processor: ServiceProcessor(service: ServiceHandler()),
inProtocol: TBinaryProtocol.self,
outProtocol: TBinaryProtocol.self)
try? server?.serve()