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Dockerized Vale linter combined with Extenda Vale styles


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Extenda Vale Style

Contains rules, vocabulary, and basic .vale.ini. By Vale's standard, it is considered a complete package. More information about Vale packages here

Extenda Vale


  1. Install the Vale CLI. Instructions
  2. If .vale.ini doesn't already exist in your repository add the following configuration as a base config.
  3. Run vale sync - this will sync download/sync the styles from your .vale.ini. Remember to add the styles to .gitignore. Instructions](
  4. Run vale . to lint all files in your repository.

Running Vale as a pre-commit hook

⚠️ vale pre-commit is deprecated and a new hook has not been created. If you still want to use Vale in your pre-commit hooks, you can use the following example i your .pre-commit-config.yaml

- repo: local
      - id: inline-vale-lint-with-bash
        name: inline-vale-lint-with-bash
        entry: bash -c 'vale .'
        language: system
        types: [text]
        pass_filenames: true

Ignoring linter feedback in your markdown

You may ignore lines, words, or sections in your markdown to be able to write words that are giving false-positive errors in a markdown file by following these examples.

⚠️ The word store is ambiguous and might report errors since it is a non-accepted synonym for Business Unit. Follow this example to get past it while we try to resolve the root issue.

<!-- vale Extenda.BusinessUnits = NO -->
This sentence is: to store an entity in a database.
<!-- vale Extenda.BusinessUnits = YES -->

Development / Contributing

Getting started

Set up pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

Installing dependencies for testing

npm install



The test harness is made up of the following:

  • Style yaml file. Located under Extenda/styles/Extenda.
  • Fixture test folder. For example fixtures/Terms. This folder contains:
    • .vale.ini - fixture test configuration.
    • - markdown file that will be linted for errors, warning, and/or suggestions.
  • Rules file that will assert the lint of the file above. Located under features/rules.feature

To run the tests:

npm run test

Adding new linting rules with the corresponding test

Tests are based on naming conventions. A folder under the fixtures folder MUST match the corresponding style file under Extenda/styles/. For example, the test fixture folder fixtures/BusinessUnits MUST be named the same as Extenda/styles/Extenda/BusinessUnits.yml.

Here is a scenario where we want to add a new style file name New.yml

  1. Create style file .Extenda/styles/Extenda/New.yml
  2. Create fixture folder fixtures/New
  3. Create vale.ini config for just this style file fixtures/New/.vale.ini
  4. Create file that will some lines that will pass and some that will fail fixtures/New/
  5. Add a section for New in features/rules.feature.

C4 diagrams

All C4 diagrams must be created with Structurizr DSL. Use the provided script to create PNG images from the DSL. Use the --watch flag while making changes. This will give a live preview of the diagrams in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

./ --watch

💡 On Windows 10? Use dsl2png.cmd instead.

Known issues

  • Package config StylesPath is set to .github/styles. It should work with just styles, but that creates a duplicate styles folder in the root of the consuming repo. If we default our styles to be located under .github/styles we are OK.

  • If you want to run Vale as an NPM action, you can use the module (@ocular-d/vale-bin)[]. This module is not official and might not work with the glob patterns specified in your .vale.ini file.


The docker-vale maintainers are the members of the following team:


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.