See csharp version here CSharp Branch from RedErr404
✔️ Modular Abilities
✔️ FPS Character Controller and non FPS Character Controller
✔️ Smooth Movement (Acceleration and Deceleration)
✔️ Handles Slopes
✔️ Air Control
✔️ Easily Adjustable from the Inspector
✔️ Sprint Ability
✔️ Crouch Ability
✔️ Fly Mode Ability
✔️ Jump Ability
🔨 Swim Ability.
See in Wiki
👤 Rafael Correa
- Twitter: @ScriptsEngineer
- Github: @scriptsengineer
Based on the plugin
👤 Whimfoome
- Github: @Whimfoome
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.