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exequielrafaela committed Jul 9, 2016
0 parents commit 3628b21
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Showing 51 changed files with 22,098 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Figuras/LinuxKernel.jpg
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Binary file added Figuras/LogoLinux.jpg
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Binary file added Figuras/actividad5.jpg
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Binary file added Figuras/actividad6.jpg
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# LaTeX_BashScripting-Doc
Introduction to GNU/Linux OS Administration & Bash Scripting.

In this repo you'll find the LaTeX code of the Introduction to GNU/Linux OS Administration & Bash Scripting UNC Cordoba Argentina 2015 GNU/Linux Diploma + Bash scripts code.

Ejercicios Tema1: Introducción al entorno gráfico de un Sistema GNU/Linux y herramientas

Kernel / Distribuciones / Gnome / Nautilus / LibreOffice / GUI & TTY

Ejercicios Tema3: Línea de Comandos. Comandos básicosI

commands: cd; sudo; less; /bin & /sbin; ls -la & ls -l; mkdir; touch; chmod; rm; cp; mv; ln

Ejercicios Tema 4: Linea de comandos. Comandos básicos II

commands: find; locate; grep; df; tar (tar.gz)

Ejercicios Tema 6: Uso básico de la consola

Regular expressions: ^, $, ., *, []
command: history

Parcial 1 - Parte 2 - Cuestionario Práctico

Regular expressions: ^, $, ., *, []
commands: history; find; tar; ls

Ejercicios Tema 7: Shell scripting básico

commands: head; tail; | (pipe); cat; grep; wc
script1: find & sort; for loops
extra: “ - in between Grave accent character

Ejercicios Tema 8: Herramientas para procesar texto

commands: cat; less; grep & regex; head; sort; cut; sed

Ejercicios Tema 10: Shell scripting intermedio

commands: tar; gzip; head
script2: divisible por 2.
script3: tar - gzip - date format output
script4: find directories by name - for - if - test - ls
script5: True or False - for - if - test - ls

Ejercicios Tema 11: Configuración de Bash

Variable de entorno PS1
Limpiar History y /tmp
init.d and processes
Alias for grep command
script6: backup script - tar gz
script7: given a value to a variable
301 changes: 301 additions & 0 deletions TPs_Diplomatura_Linux.aux

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions TPs_Diplomatura_Linux.bbl
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@

\bibitem[{A}sociación Cultural U.T.L.A.I. (Cantabria~España), 2009]{utlai}
{A}sociación Cultural U.T.L.A.I. (Cantabria~España) (2009).
\newblock Enlaces de ficheros: enlaces duros y enlaces simbólicos.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [03-10-2015].

\bibitem[{D}ebian org, 2014]{debiansudo}
{D}ebian org (2014).
\newblock sudo.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [20-09-2015].

\bibitem[{D}igitalOcean™ Inc., 2015]{digitalocean}
{D}igitalOcean™ Inc. (2015).
\newblock {H}ow to use find and locate to search for files on a linux vps.
\newblock [03-10-2015].

\bibitem[{H}ogbin E., 2005a]{tldpre}
{H}ogbin E., {K}omarinski~M., M.~D. (2005a).
\newblock The linux documentation project: A brief introduction to regular
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [01-11-2015].

\bibitem[{H}ogbin E., 2005b]{tldphist}
{H}ogbin E., {K}omarinski~M., M.~D. (2005b).
\newblock The linux documentation project: The command-line history.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [02-11-2015].

\bibitem[{H}osting~{N}ews LLC, 2010]{serverschool}
{H}osting~{N}ews LLC (2010).
\newblock Dedicated server school: Using the linux “history” command.
\newblock [02-11-2015].

\bibitem[{L}inux Kernel Organization~Inc., 2014a]{linuxkernel1}
{L}inux Kernel Organization~Inc. (2014a).
\newblock The linux kernel archives.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [16-09-2015].

\bibitem[{L}inux Kernel Organization~Inc., 2014b]{linuxkernel}
{L}inux Kernel Organization~Inc. (2014b).
\newblock The linux kernel archives: Frequently asked questions.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [16-09-2015].

\bibitem[{M}irizio {E}., 2015a]{mirizioe}
{M}irizio {E}. (2015a).
\newblock Guía teórica - diplomatura linux modulo 1.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [20-09-2015].

\bibitem[{M}irizio {E}., 2015b]{mirizioe2}
{M}irizio {E}. (2015b).
\newblock Guía teórica - diplomatura linux modulo 7.
\newblock [06-12-2015].

\bibitem[{N}atarajan R., 2015]{tecmint}
{N}atarajan R. (2015).
\newblock Tecmint: The power of linux “history command” in bash shell.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [02-11-2015].

\bibitem[Negus, 2015]{linuxbible}
Negus, C. (2015).
\newblock {\em Linux Bible}.
\newblock Wiley, 9 edition.

\bibitem[{O}samu {A}oki, 2013]{osamu}
{O}samu {A}oki (2013).
\newblock Debian reference - chapter 1. gnu/linux tutorials - 1.1.6. virtual
\newblock [19-09-2015].

\bibitem[{R}ed Hat, 2015]{fedoraproject}
{R}ed Hat, I. (2015).
\newblock {F}edora project wiki - what is the fedora project?
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [16-09-2015].

\bibitem[Scheifler~B., ]{xhost}
Scheifler~B., G.~J.
\newblock xhost man page.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [19-09-2015].

\bibitem[{S}hrestha {N}., 2009]{thegeekstuff3}
{S}hrestha {N}. (2009).
\newblock Unix sed tutorial: Find and replace text inside a file using regex.
\newblock [07-12-2015].

\bibitem[{S}hrestha {N}., 2013a]{thegeekstuff2}
{S}hrestha {N}. (2013a).
\newblock 10 practical linux cut command examples to select file columns.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [07-12-2015].

\bibitem[{S}hrestha {N}., 2013b]{thegeekstuff}
{S}hrestha {N}. (2013b).
\newblock How to sort files in linux using sort command.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [07-12-2015].

\bibitem[{V}ivek {G}., 2006]{vivkg}
{V}ivek {G}. (2006).
\newblock How do i compress a whole linux or unix directory.
\newblock [04-10-2015].

\bibitem[{W}ikipedia Project, 2015a]{wikifhs}
{W}ikipedia Project (2015a).
\newblock Filesystem hierarchy standard.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [20-09-2015].

\bibitem[{W}ikipedia Project, 2015b]{wikikernel1}
{W}ikipedia Project (2015b).
\newblock Linux kernel.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [16-09-2015].

\bibitem[{W}ikipedia Project, 2015c]{wikikernel}
{W}ikipedia Project (2015c).
\newblock What is the fedora project?
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock [16-09-2015].

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions TPs_Diplomatura_Linux.blg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2013/Debian)
Capacity: max_strings=35307, hash_size=35307, hash_prime=30011
The top-level auxiliary file: TPs_Diplomatura_Linux.aux
The style file: apalike.bst
Database file #1: miscitas.bib
Warning--empty year in xhost
You've used 22 entries,
1935 wiz_defined-function locations,
569 strings with 6787 characters,
and the built_in function-call counts, 5648 in all, are:
= -- 615
> -- 154
< -- 22
+ -- 58
- -- 44
* -- 332
:= -- 1128
add.period$ -- 87
call.type$ -- 22$ -- 132$ -- 16
cite$ -- 23
duplicate$ -- 224
empty$ -- 339$ -- 66
if$ -- 1044$ -- 7$ -- 0
missing$ -- 2
newline$ -- 134
num.names$ -- 66
pop$ -- 51
preamble$ -- 1
purify$ -- 132
quote$ -- 0
skip$ -- 193
stack$ -- 0
substring$ -- 272
swap$ -- 1
text.length$ -- 0
text.prefix$ -- 0
top$ -- 0
type$ -- 130
warning$ -- 1
while$ -- 44
width$ -- 0
write$ -- 308
(There was 1 warning)
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions TPs_Diplomatura_Linux.lof
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\select@language {spanish}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces \emph {The Linux Kernel Archives \cite {linuxkernel1}.}\relax }}{3}{figure.caption.9}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces \emph {Capturando pantalla en ubuntu 14.04.}\relax }}{5}{figure.caption.11}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces \emph {Verificando que la captura se haya guardado correctamente en la folder /home/delivery/image/.}\relax }}{5}{figure.caption.12}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces \emph {Navegaci\IeC {\'o}n de archivos con Nautius folder: /home .}\relax }}{7}{figure.caption.13}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces \emph {Navegaci\IeC {\'o}n de archivos con Nautius folder: /etc .}\relax }}{8}{figure.caption.14}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces \emph {Navegaci\IeC {\'o}n de archivos con Nautius folder: /root.}\relax }}{8}{figure.caption.15}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7}{\ignorespaces \emph {LibreOffice Writer: Guardado de archivos .doc en .odt.}\relax }}{9}{figure.caption.16}
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {8}{\ignorespaces \emph {Linux virtual consoles.}\relax }}{11}{figure.caption.19}

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