An event planner app
GoHaveFun makes it easier and quickier to find events near you. Events are free and accessible with ease to everyone to host and attend.
- You are able to browse through GoHaveFun to view and attend events near you without creating an account with us.
- By having an account with GoHaveFun, you are able to create and manage multiple events as well attend events.
- You can easily view events near you or specific location with our beautiful intergrated map.
GoHaveFun is built on
- React.JS
- Material-UI
- Google Maps API for our intergrated map
- Auth0 for our authorization
Preston Burton
- Team Lead / Full Stack
- Github
- Email:
Anne Tolmie
- Full Stack
- Github
- Email:
Danielle O'Neil
- Full Stack
- Github
- Email:
Michael Del Zotto
- Full Stack
- Github
- Email:
David Barrios
- Full Stack
- Github
- Email: