To perform an adequate Argo Salinity DMQC is necessary to use reference databases with appropriate temporal and spatial coverage. The CTD-RDB is maintained and updated by Coriolis operational services (IFREMER). To guarantee the high quality of the data, the CTD-RDB users (DMQC operators) are encouraged to perform a local audit for their region of interest and provide feedback in case they encounter errors, suspicious data, large temporal gaps, etc.
This repository hosts some code to perform a first diagnosis of the CTD-RDB in a user-defined region.
Add the repository (and the required toolboxes and functions, see below) to your Matlab path and run the script check_RD_proc.m. This code will ask you for inputs (see below) in the command window. Leaving the inputs empty will run the analysis for an example region (Weddell Sea)
Added by the user in the command window
- Region definition
- Name: Ex. 'Nordic Seas'
- List of WMO boxes: Ex. [1600 1601 .. 7802];
- (optional) Geographical areas that you want to exclude from the analysis
- Grid definition:
- Longitude and Latitude limits: Ex. [-30 30] and [60 90]
- Grid step (in degrees): Ex. 2
- Map and plot settings
- m_map projection string ? Ex. ['m_proj(''Albers'',''lon'',lonlims,''lat'',latlims)'];
- Positions of the x-axis (longitude) and the y-axis (latitude) ticks as a vector: Ex. [-30:10:30] and [60:10:90]
- Bathymetry contours (m) to be plotted.
- Marker Size for the color-coded plots
- Font Size for plots
Some of the outputs for the Weddell Sea can be downloaded here:
- RD_CTD2019v01_region name.mat containing all data selected.
- SD_RD_CTD2019v01_region name.mat and SD_RD_CTD2019v01_region name.txt containing the output of the diagnostic test
- Figures (saving the plots is optional)
- World Map with all WMO boxes. Selected boxes are highlighted.
- Grid maps: 'Number of profiles per bin', 'Year of the latest profile per bin';
- Scatter maps: 'Profile positions - year is color-coded', 'Profile positions - Maximum Recorded Pressure (MRP) is color-coded', 'Profile positions - MRP<900 is color-coded'; 'Profile positions - Presence of invalid samples color-coded';
- Histograms: 'Number of profiles per year', 'Number of profiles per month', 'Number of profiles per MRP intervals [db]';
- Data for each boxes: One plot per box containing Profile positions (with color-coded year), Temperature and Salinity profiles and a TS diagram.
- Full path to the folder containing the reference database OR
- Login and password for downloading it.
- Ingrid Angel's utility functions
- m_map
- export_fig to save figures
- finput
- Jan Even Nilsen's functions ( mima.m and wmosquare.m
This work is part of the following projects: MOCCA received funding from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) under grant agreement No. EASME/EMFF/2015/ EA-RISE is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824131
and is developed by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, BSH)