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User Interface

euquiq edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 13 revisions

Menues and Widgets


The widgets used in the UI, as buttons, texts, checkboxes, input fields, etc. are to be found at /firmware/common/ui_widget.cpp


MOST menues (excluding the OPTIONS and DEBUG menues, which are actually apps) and pop-up boxes (yes/no, yes/cancel, ok) are defined in /firmware/application/ui_navigation.cpp

The Options menu is actually an "app" defined at /firmware/application/apps/ui_settings.cpp

The Debug menu is defined at /firmware/application/apps/ui_debug.cpp

You can readily inspect the creation of each menu through the add_items() function, setting number of columns, etc. You will learn that menus are created as an instancing of BtGridView class.

On a side-note, I found a touchscreen sensitivity threshold parameter, which also may be of serious use, in the event of a low quality chinese touchscreen... see inside /firmware/application/touch.hpp Line 215.

Button Grid View

The BtnGridView class in charge of generating and processing the buttons based menu is Located at /firmware/application/ui/ui_btngrid.cpp. It expects a list of menu_items. As a reference, each Menu item defined as:

struct GridItem {
	std::string text;
	ui::Color color;
	const Bitmap* bitmap;
	std::function<void(void)> on_select;

The BtnGridView Class exposes:

  • The add_items(); accepting a menu items list of grid Items.
  • The number of columns used on the grid with set_max_rows(int rows) (default: 3)
  • A default highlighted button with set_highlighted(int_32_t new_value)
  • Returns the number of rows you set with above int rows();
  • Can clear the whole list with void clear();

INTERESTING NOTE: The button grid can paginate: It will show pagination arrows at a the bottom of the screen, if there are more buttons than the space available.

Inside ui_btngrid

Each menu button is instanced from NewButton object (defined in ui_widget.cpp).

Input Widgets (and NewButton) can be navigated through either cursor keys, wheel jog, and touch events.

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