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[ ReactJS Project ] ( MERN - Full Stack Project ) - E-Commerce made with ReactJs, Redux, Material UI Icons, Styled Components, Nodejs, MongoDb,Express And More...

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Ecommerce Application with Register,Login, Add To Cart and Payment Method ( Stripe ) funcionality.

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Github Stars Commits License


About the project and how some features works

eNygma - ecommerce

I did a video showing the project, u can check out Here

Ecommerce Application with Register,Login, Add To Cart and Payment Method(Stripe) funcionality.
On the painel dasboard you can see some metrics, like last five users that make register, delete, edit and create new products

Developed with ReactJS, NodeJs,Axios,
Express, JWT,Mongoose and Redux


  • Register
  • Login
  • Add To Cart
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Payment Method(Stripe) funcionality
  • On the painel dasboard you can see some metrics, like the last five users that make register, delete, edit and create new products
  • Responsive



  • Clone this repo with ;
  • Move to api,admin, client and run npm install to add dependencies;
  • Inside api folder create a .env file and fill in the follow keys :
     MONGO_URL = 
     PASS_SEC = 
     JWT_SEC = 
     STRIPE_KEY =  
  • Inside client folder create a .env file and fill in the follow key:
  • run npm run start to start the server.



  • addProducts

    • Método: POST
    • Path: /products
    • First register a user and change isAdmin to true
    • Use postman or insommia and make login, the output take it the accessToken
    • Click on Headers and add key token and for the value Bearer PUT HERE YOUR acessToken
    • Input: (Will return a error in case you are not authenticated)
           "title": "T-shirt blackPower",
           "desc": "Loren ipsum is dummy test of the winter",
           "img": "",
           "categories": ["man", "coat"],
           "price":  44,
           "inStock": "true",
           "color": ["blue"],
           "size": ["S", "M", "L"]
    • Ouput:
         "title": "T-shirt blackPower",
         "desc": "Loren ipsum is dummy test of the winter",
         "img": "",
         "categories": [
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 44,
         "inStock": true,
         "_id": "62544bd64583b32d4ad97e54",
         "createdAt": "2022-04-11T15:40:06.821Z",
         "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T15:40:06.821Z",
         "__v": 0
  • GetProduct

    • Método: GET
    • Path: /products/find/:id
    • Ouput:
         "_id": "619fc82750cab4338cd5c162",
         "title": "T-shirt happyness XL",
         "desc": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book",
         "img": "",
         "categories": [
         "price": 288,
         "createdAt": "2021-11-24T18:34:04.647Z",
         "updatedAt": "2021-12-02T02:27:51.775Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "inStock": true,
         "color": [
         "size": [
  • updateProduct

    • Método: PUT
    • Path: /products/:id
    • Input:
        "title":"Herman Why not"
    • Output:
        "_id": "619fc82750cab4338cd5c162",
        "title": "Herman Why not",
        "desc": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book",
        "img": "",
        "categories": [
        "price": 4000,
        "createdAt": "2021-11-24T18:34:04.647Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T15:57:09.362Z",
        "__v": 0,
        "inStock": true,
        "color": [
        "size": [
  • getAllProducts

    • Método: GET
    • Path: `/products
    • Ouput:
             "_id": "619fc7f850cab4338cd5c160",
             "title": "T-shirt Good Vibes",
             "desc": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book",
             "img": "",
             "categories": [
             "price": 120,
             "createdAt": "2021-11-24T18:34:04.647Z",
             "updatedAt": "2021-12-02T02:17:45.667Z",
             "__v": 0,
             "inStock": true,
             "color": [
             "size": [
             "_id": "619fc81e50cab4338cd5c161",
             "title": "Luxurie Black TPower ",
             "desc": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book",
             "img": "",
             "categories": [
             "price": 999,
             "createdAt": "2021-11-24T18:34:04.647Z",
             "updatedAt": "2021-11-24T18:34:04.647Z",
             "__v": 0,
             "inStock": true,
             "color": [
             "size": [


  • addOrder

    • Método: POST
    • Path: /orders/
    • Input:
          "street":"Rua ztoX",
    • Output:
            "userId": "619d1da08037c80957db697c",
            "products": [
                    "productId": "619e859c210e6a75eae2bed5",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "_id": "62545a8e4cd025591a0673f2"
            "amount": 200,
            "address": {
                "street": "Rua ztoX"",
                "from": "USA"
            "status": "finished",
            "_id": "62545a8e4cd025591a0673f1",
            "createdAt": "2022-04-11T16:42:54.307Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T16:42:54.307Z",
            "__v": 0
  • Income

    • Método: GET
    • Path: /orders/income?token={token}
    • Output:
            "_id": 4,
            "total": 200


  • Register

    • Método: POST
    • Path: /register
    • Input:
    • Ouput:
          "username": "eulazzo",
          "email": "",
          "password": "U2FsdGVkX18d4Q4Xux+1bVA7NiBaYzcP8xJXVD57WWM=",
          "isAdmin": false,
          "_id": "62545ca44cd025591a0673f9",
          "createdAt": "2022-04-11T16:51:48.785Z",
          "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T16:51:48.785Z",
          "__v": 0
  • Login

    • Método: POST
    • Path: /login
    • Input:
    • Ouput:
            "_id": "61f464c27eb80de0e8c2b008",
            "username": "isAdmin",
            "email": "",
            "isAdmin": true,
            "createdAt": "2022-01-28T21:48:50.314Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-01-28T21:48:50.314Z",
            "__v": 0,
               "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpBkZTBlOGMyYjAwOCIsImlzQWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImlhdCI6MTY0OTcxNjQ3OCwiZXhwIjo"

Ecommerce developed with NodeJs, MongoDB, ReactJS, Styled Component, Redux, Stripe, JWT and Firebase to upload images. So far it has features such as login and registration, add to cart, make payment using Stripe, through the admin panel it is possible to edit and add new products, see the list of products and the number of users who have recently created an account. To make the application more secure, JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) was used to verify users, providing them a JSON WEB TOKEN after the login process.
Thus, when they try to make any request, edit or delete any user or product, it is checked whether the request belongs to the user or if the user is authorized to perform that action. Since when an application is created, one of the most important things to do is handle authentication and authorization.

For example, an application where users can create a post and after that they can edit or delete it. The crucial part here is authorization because they (users) should be able to delete only their respective posts, if they try to delete posts from other users they should get an error like “You can't delete this post” or something like that. On the backend, if the login is ok, the JSON WEB TOKEN is created. In the creation process, jwt.sign() received the user ID and the “isAdmin” property as parameters, because when we try to delete a user, the ID inside the JSON WEB TOKEN is checked if it is the same as the one that comes from the database. data, if so, means that this user is a customer and therefore can delete and edit the profile. The isAdmin property, if isAdmin===true, can delete any user or do any CRUD for any other collection in the database.

See app features:

Admin Dashboard


Paying some orders with Stripe Payment


Creating a new product


Getting started

  1. Clone this repo using
  2. Move yourself to the appropriate directory: cd ecommerce
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies

Getting started with the frontend

  1. Move yourself to the frontend folder: cd client
  2. Run npm start or yarn start to start the web application
    a window will open, but for the data show up, we have to start the back-end server

Getting started with the backend server

  1. Move yourself to the backend folder: cd api
  2. Create a .env file and add the MongoDB url connection in MONGO_URL field
  3. Now type yarn run dev, the server will start with nodemon
  4. if you dont have yarn installed, type npm install --global yarn on terminal to install it or just use npm instead

Getting started with Admin

  1. Move yourself to the admin folder: cd admin
  2. Type again npm start for the admin dashboard works properly
  3. now you are ready to create an account and login


Back-end Front-end
Node.js ReactJS
JWT Redux
ExpressJs Styled Component
Axios Axios
Nodemon React Hooks
Cors Eslint
Prettier Prettier


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.


[ ReactJS Project ] ( MERN - Full Stack Project ) - E-Commerce made with ReactJs, Redux, Material UI Icons, Styled Components, Nodejs, MongoDb,Express And More...







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