Frontend: Bootstrap, Javascript, React
Backend: Python (Flask)
Database: MySQL (Requires WAMP to be running)
python -m venv env
Activate your virtual environment based on your local environment (Have to activate to be in the virtual environment) (For consistency purposes when testing and for the CI/CD pipeline)
source env/bin/activate # Linux/macOS
env\Scripts\activate.bat # In CMD
env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # In Powershell
Make sure that any newly installed dependencies are added to the requirements.txt with pip freeze >> requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=mysql://root@localhost:3306/spm_db # for default MySQL settings on Windows
Ensure that Wampserver is installed and running.
Configure MySQL settings within Wampserver if necessary.
If first time opening the app, run the
file in MySQL Workbench to set up the database
cd backend
cd sbrp_client
npm i
npm run dev
Open a new shell (as the previous one should have been locked with python
python -m flake8 backend/
python -m yapf --recursive --diff --parallel backend
cd backend
deactivate # Or use the deactivate scripts in env/Scripts/
env\Scripts\deactivate.bat # In CMD
Simply delete the env folder
- With
npm run dev
running the frontend onlocalhost:5173
and withbackend/
running the flask app onlocalhost:5000
- In a new separate terminal:
cd sbrp_client
npx cypress run
- At the login page, select the user role (You can type to filter out). Sample users are provided at the top.
- As a HR, navigate to Create Listing to create a new role listing.
- Go to Listings to see posted role listings. Click to see details and edit
- All tables are interactive, with text filtering and sorting for every column (click to toggle)
- Click on view applicants to see incoming applications. Click on an application to view applicant details, role-skill match, and self-description
- As a staff, go to Listings to browse role listings using the interactive table, where you can sort by fields like role-skill match
- Click on a role listing to apply and fill up an optional self-description
- In this release, manager shares the same fucntionality as a staff.