released this
21 Apr 13:17
Allow negative scores to reduce the weight of a mirror
Follow symbolic links within a repository
Allow/Disallow per-mirror redirects configuration
Display the sync offset between each mirrors and the source on the mirrorstats page (requires a trace file on the repository)
New cli option to force a rehashing of all files during a refresh
Added a Dockerfile
Support password protected rsync URLs
Allow https URLs when adding a mirror
Display location and score in the list output
Display mirror status in the stats output
Improvements in the selection algorithm
Load OSM tiles using https
Keep the list of mirrors sorted by score in the mirrorlist
Set cache-control to disable caching
Log unauthorized redirection from a mirror
New option to set the maximum number of backup mirrors to return in link headers
Support for Google Maps API keys
Mirrorlist and Mirrorstats UI refresh
Use UTC time on mirrorlist / mirrorstats page
Improved error reporting
Add dependency vendoring
Fix a possible crash while Redis is loading the dataset
Fix a race condition when updating mirrors state
Fix a rare deadlock within the FTP client
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