This Blog built with Vue 2.x, vue-router & vuex with server-side rendering by koa.
It's powered by Github Issues and use github GraphQL API v4
- node >= 8.9.4
- npm >= 5.6.0
# install dependencies
npm install # or yarn
- Modify config/config.js.
userInfo: {
github: '',
userName: 'ETEPLUS',
avatar: '/static/img/avatar.jpeg',
motto: 'Designer and Coder. ^_^',
siteInfo: {
name: 'ETEPLUS',
// website record number - ICP备xxxxx号
recordText: ''
- Copy config/github.example.json to config/github.json and modify it.
Apply accessToken -> Page -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token
pageSize: The number of synchronizations per page
"accessToken": "github accessToken",
"owner": "github username",
"repository": "issues repository",
"pageSize": 8
- Excute Database migrate and sync issues
npm run db:migrate
npm run sync
All data will be cleared, u need to re-excute the above operation
npm run db:migrate:undo
# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at
npm run dev
# build for production
npm run build
# serve in production mode
npm start
Modify pm2.json and use pm2 to manage the application
pm2 startOrReload pm2.json