- The Google Earth Engine Surface Energy Balance for Land (geeSEBAL) solves the energy balance equation (LE + H = Rn - G) to estimate Daily Evapotranspiration (ET) by using Landsat images (L4, L5, L7, L8, and L9) and meteorological data (air temperature, relative humidity, global radiation and wind speed).
- The following Earth Engine image collection are use in geeSEBAL:
Image Collections IDs |
LANDSAT/LC09/C02/T1_L2 |
LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2 |
LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2 |
LANDSAT/LT05/C02/T1_L2 |
LANDSAT/LT04/C02/T1_L2 |
- Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was developed and validated by Bastiaanssen (Bastiaanssen et al., 1998a, 1998b) to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) from energy balance equation (Rn – G = LE + H), where LE, Rn, G and H are Latent Heat Flux, Net Radiation, Soil Heat Flux and Sensible Heat Flux, respectively. SEBAL estimates LE as a residual of others energy fluxes (LE = Rn - LE - G).
- SEBAL algorithm has an internal calibration, assuming a linear relationship between dT and LST across domain area, where dT is designed as a vertical air temperature (Ta) floating over the land surface, considering two extreme conditions. At the hot and dry extreme condition, LE is zero and H is equal to the available energy, whereas at the cold and wet extreme condition, H is zero and LE is equal to the available energy.
- Workflow of geeSEBAL, demonstrating remote sensing and global meteorological inputs, as well as data processing to estimate daily evapotranspiration.
- Compute Daily ET or ET fraction for a single input image.
- Allow to obtain ET image collections by mapping over Landsat collections.
- Select Image.from_landsat_c2_sr() method to instantiate the class for a Landsat Collection 2 SR image. Image must have the following bands and properties:
SPACECRAFT_ID | Band Names |
LANDSAT_4 | SR_B1, SR_B2, SR_B3, SR_B4, SR_B5, SR_B7, ST_B6, QA_PIXEL |
LANDSAT_5 | SR_B1, SR_B2, SR_B3, SR_B4, SR_B5, SR_B7, ST_B6, QA_PIXEL |
LANDSAT_7 | SR_B1, SR_B2, SR_B3, SR_B4, SR_B5, SR_B7, ST_B6, QA_PIXEL |
LANDSAT_8 | SR_B1, SR_B2, SR_B3, SR_B4, SR_B5, SR_B6, SR_B7, ST_B10, QA_PIXEL |
LANDSAT_9 | SR_B1, SR_B2, SR_B3, SR_B4, SR_B5, SR_B6, SR_B7, ST_B10, QA_PIXEL |
system: index - Landsat scene ID (ex: LC08_044033_20170801) |
system: time_start - Time start of the image in epoch time |
SUN_ELEVATION - Solar elevation angle in degrees |
The general outputs of the geeSEBAL are ndvi (normalized difference vegetation index), lst (land surface temperature), et_fraction and et. They can be selected as example below:
import openet.geesebal as geesebal
ls_img = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2/LC08_044033_20170801')
model_obj = geesebal.from_landsat_c2_sr(ls_img)
ndvi = model_obj.ndvi
lst = model_obj.lst
et_fraction = model.et_fraction
et = model_obj.et
Examples of how to use geeSEBAL model are detailed in examples folder:
pip install openet-geesebal