Hey! I'm Ash. I'm an Internet Creative Person from the Netherlands. Here's some of my work!
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💻 I'm developing comune
comune is an experimental C++ successor language focused on performance, ease of use, and static memory safety. I've been developing the LLVM-based compiler solo since July 2022, and I'm very proud of how it's coming along!
Although still a work-in-progress, the repository is publicly available for you to check out!
⭕ I'm making CHORDIOID
CHORDIOID: Prelude is a musical adventure game I've been working on for the past year, as the lead developer, musician, artist, designer, writer...
It's the first part of a bigger episodic story known collectively as CHORDIOID, which I hope to one day, in my wildest dreams, actually finish.
📺 I'm on the Vast Error Music Team
As of 2022, I'm a musician for the webcomic Vast Error. I still can't quite believe it! I'm honoured and super stoked to be working with so many ridiculously talented creatives.
You should read the comic if you haven't, it's pretty freaking cool! (If you ask me, though, start with Snowbound Blood.)
☀️ I make music for Godfeels
Godfeels is a canon-divergent fan continuation of Homestuck, written by Sarah Zedig and co.
I've found myself as a... quasi-official(?) musician for the project? Which I'm very grateful for. The story means a lot to me, as well as a lot of other plural folk, and being able to provide music for it is a special kind of honour.
You can find my Godfeels discrography here.
💬 I made Pluralchum
Pluralchum is a BetterDiscord plugin that provides improved integration with PluralKit, adding things like proper name and text colours to the mix.
I made it as a "fun" learning exercise in the span of a few days, and what I learned is that people who use JavaScript regularly are terrifying.
🌃 I do loads of other stuff
I'm always up to something! Commonly described as:
- "unhinged work ethic"
- "please get some fucking sleep, like, ever"
- "pretty cool, but uses made-up quotes too much"
I cannot possibly sit still. They thought giving me medication would make me chill out, but the joke's on them. It just gave me the ability to do the laundry in-between constantly churning out projects.
Speaking of which, I have to go do the laundry. But you can keep track of what I'm up to on any given day via Twitter.
Thanks for reading! -Ash