This is a legacy or superseded version of the esqlabsR package.
This means that this package will not receive any new features, but will receive any critical bug fixes needed to keep it working.
The version of the esqlabsR package under active development can be found here:
The package binaries can be installed from here:
- rClr >0.9.1
- or esqLABS internal
- ospsuite-r > 10.0
- or esqLABS internal
- R6 (CRAN)
- readxl (CRAN)
- writexl (CRAN)
- hash (CRAN)
- shiny (CRAN)
- shinyjs (CRAN)
- vctrs (CRAN)
- tidyr (CRAN)
- colorspace (CRAN)
- ggplot2 (CRAN)
- purrr (CRAN)
- Rtools (
- After installation, add the folder to your $PATH: In start menu, type in "PATH", select "Change path environment for user", and add the path to Rtools folder.
- roxygen2 (CRAN)
- devtools (CRAN)
- rmarkdown (CRAN)
- testthat (CRAN)
- knitr (CRAN)
- styler (CRAN)
- Follow the OSPS-R coding standards
- Some additional useful information can be found here
Please note that the esqlabsRLegacy project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.