This repository developed with only swiftUI, there is no UIViewRepresentable.
- iOS 15.0+
CustomTextfield is available through Swift Package Manager. Add CustomTextField as a dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "main")
You can set your config properties in @main so you don't need to set every time.
struct ExampleApp: App {
init() {
let shared = EGTextFieldConfig.shared
shared.defaultTextColor = .black
shared.darkModeTextColor = .white
shared.defaultTitleColor = .black
shared.darkModeTitleColor = .white
shared.titleFont = .body
shared.borderType = .line
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Dark mode ability is available. You don't need to consider this issue. If you want to change default color you can set in config file.
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = ""
EGTextField(text: $text)
.setPlaceHolderText("Enter a name")
Also if you want you can change placeholder color
@State var text = ""
EGTextField(text: $text)
.setPlaceHolderText("Enter a name")
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
@State var disable = true
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
@State var error = true
@State var errorText = "Your name is not matched"
EGTextField(text: $text)
.setError(errorText: $errorText, error: $error)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
.setTrailingImage(Image(systemName: "qrcode"), click: {
print("qr image tapped")
You can also set image foreground color.
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
Secure text images can be changed
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
.setSecureTextImages(open : Image(systemName: "eye.fill"),
close: Image(systemName: "eye.slash.fill"))
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "esat1feyk23mqjyefycrfk862x78cyk2sy9l0t8rt6c"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
You can change the colors if you want.
@State var text = "Esat Gozcu"
EGTextField(text: $text)
EGTextField has been designed with SwiftUI’s flexibility in mind, allowing the use of features it does not natively include. Alternatively, you can try the following approach.
@State private var password: String = "Test FocusState"
@FocusState private var isPasswordFieldFocused: Bool
var body: some View {
VStack {
EGTextField(text: $password)
.setBorderColor(isPasswordFieldFocused ? .gray : .gray.opacity(0.1))
Button("Close Keyboard") {
isPasswordFieldFocused = false
This framework is provided under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it in your projects.
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas or improvements, feel free to:
- Fork the repository.
- Submit a pull request.
- Report issues or feature requests in the Issues tab.
Thank you for contributing! 😊