This project aims to provide a bootlodaing program that will bootload a TI MSPM0 family microcontroller over any native Linux I2C port. This includes the I2C connectins found inside of HDMI connections. The only compatible input binary format is TI-TXT as exported from CCS or CCS-Thiea.
This project directly controls the I2C/SMBus ports on your Linux PC. This can cause damage and I'm not responsible for anythying that goes wrong! Be careful!
To use this, somehow connect your MPSM0 to an I2C bus on your PC, whether that be through HDMI or some other method. This you can use i2c-detect to find which port that corresponds to. In you can change the port number for the BSL object, then update the filename for the TI-TXT file. The project comes with a "blinky.txt" example which is only compatible with a MSPM0Ll304 with an LED connected on pin PA17.