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minibone is an easy to use yet powerful boiler plate for multithreading, multiprocessing and others:

  • Config: To handle configuration settings
  • Daemon: To run a periodical task in another thread
  • Emailer: To send emails in parallel threads
  • HTMLBase: To render html using snippets and toml configuration file in async mode
  • HTTPt: HTTP client to do parallel request in threads
  • Logging: To setup a logger friendly with filerotation
  • PARProcesses: To run parallel tasks as processes
  • PARThreads: To run parallel tasks in threads
  • Storing: To queue and store files periodically in a thread (queue and forget)

It will be deployed to PyPi when a new release is created


pip install minibone


Handle configuration settings in memory and/or persist them into toml/yaml/json formats

from minibone.config import Config

# Create a new set of settings and persist them
cfg = Config(settings={"listen": "localhost", "port": 80}, filepath="config.toml")	
cfg.add("debug", True)	

# Load settings from a file. Defaults can be set. More information: help(Config.from_toml)
cfg2 = Config.from_toml("config.toml")

# also there are async counter part methods
import asyncio

cfg3 ="config.toml"))

Usually config files are editted externaly then loaded as read only on your code, so in such case, you may want to subclass Config for easier usage

from minibone.config import Config

class MyConfig(Config):

    def __init__(self):
        defaults = {"main": {"listen": "localhost", "port": 80}}
        settings = Config.from_toml(filepath="config.toml", defaults=defaults)

    def listen(self) -> str:
        return self["main"]["listen"]

    def port(self) -> int:
        return self["main"]["port"]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cfg = MyConfig()
    # it will print the default port value if not port setting was defined in config.toml


It is just another python class to run a periodical task in another thread. It can be used in two modes: subclasing and callback

Usage as SubClass mode

  • Subclass Daemon
  • call super().init() in yours
  • Overwrite on_process method with yours
  • Add logic you want to run inside on_process
  • Be sure your methods are safe-thread to avoid race condition
  • self.lock is available for lock.acquire / your_logic / lock.release
  • call start() method to keep running on_process in a new thread
  • call stop() to finish the thread

Check for a sample

Usage as callback mode

  • Instance Daemon by passing a callable
  • Add logic to your callable method
  • Be sure your callable is safe-thread to avoid race condition
  • call start() method to keep running callable in a new thread
  • call stop() to finish the thread

Check for a sample


Setup a logger using UTC time that outputs logs to stdin or to a file. It is friendly to filerotation (when setting output to a file)

import logging

from minibone.logging import setup_log

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # setup_log must be called only once in your code.
    # So you have to choice if logging to stdin or to a file when calling it

    setup_log(level="INFO")'This is a log to the stdin')

    # or call the next lines instead if you want to log into a file
    # setup_log(file="sample.log", level="INFO")


  • Feel free to clone this repository and send any pull requests.
  • Add issues if something is not working as expected.


Python classes for multi-thread tasks and others







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