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Enable automated testing by mastering system dependencies. Use when reality is simply not good enough.


See the The documentation website to view user documentation.


Stub-O-Matic is offered under GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.


Stub-O-Matic is made available by OpenCredo and a team of contributors.


(Linux Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS, Fedora, or Amazon Linux)

Redis Server Installation::

$ sudo yum install redis-server
$ sudo service redis-server start

Mongo server Installation::

$ sudo yum install mongodb-org
$ sudo service mongod start | stop


$ sudo yum install python27-virtualenv libxslt libxslt-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel texlive-full

(Linux Ubuntu)

Redis Server Installation::

$ sudo apt-get install -y redis-server
$ sudo service redis-server start

Mongo server Installation::

$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
$ sudo service mongod start | stop


$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip wget python2.7-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev


$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source ./env/bin/activate
(env) $ git clone

(env) $ cd stubo-app

(env) $ python develop


Perform the following::

$ sudo service mongod start
$ sudo service redis-server start

You can start Stubo from your env root dir:

$ cd ../env    

You can start Stubo from your env root dir:

$ cd ../env    

Active your virtual python env:

$ source ./bin/activate

Note you need to create log & etc dirs under the dir you call stubo from:

(first run only)
$ mkdir log etc
$ cp ../stubo-app/*.ini etc 
$ create_tracker_collection

$ stubo

Logging is in env/log/stubo.log Default config is picked up from ./etc/dev.ini
Alternatively you can run from another location:

(env) $ stubo -c path_to_config


You can run the test suite by running the following command (in the project root: stubo-app)::

    (env) $ nosetests stubo

Use the -x flag to stop the tests at the first error::

    (env) $ nosetests stubo -x

Or to run a specific test:

     (env) $ nosetests stubo.tests.integration.test_api:TestAcceptance.test_exec_first_commands

Use the --with-coverage flag to display a coverage report after running the tests, this will show you which files / lines have not been executed when the tests ran::

    (env) $ nosetests stubo --with-coverage --cover-package=stubo

Or to run a specific test:

    (env) $ nosetests stubo.tests.integration.test_api:TestAcceptance.test_exec_first_commands

and code analysis

    (env) $ pylint stubo


If you want to call functions to debug in a python shell and they have a dependency on redis or mongo you must initialise them first

from stubo.utils import start_redis
slave, master = start_redis({})
<redis.client.Redis object at 0x10168e650> 

from stubo.utils import init_mongo
dbclient = init_mongo()
Database(MongoClient('localhost', 27017), u'stubodb')

Now you can make calls that use redis

>>> from stubo.cache import Cache
>>> cache = Cache(host='localhost')
>>> cache.get_session('first', 'first_1')
    {u'status': u'dormant', u'system_date': u'2015-02-24', u'scenario': u'localhost:first', u'last_used': u'2015-02-24 11:19:21', u'scenario_id': u'54ec5e3981875908f911a71b', u'session': u'first_1'}

& mongodb

from stubo.model.db import Scenario
scenario = Scenario()
stubs = list(scenario.get_stubs('localhost:first'))
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
{   u'_id': ObjectId('537c8f1cac5f7303ad704d85'),
    u'scenario': u'localhost:first',
    u'stub': {   u'recorded': u'2014-05-21',
                 u'request': {   u'bodyPatterns': [   {   u'contains': [   u'get my stub\n']}],
                                 u'method': u'POST'},
                 u'response': {   u'body': u'Hello {{1+1}} World\n',
                                  u'delayPolicy': u'slow',
                                  u'status': 200}}}

from stubo.model.db import Tracker
tracker = Tracker()
list(tracker.find_tracker_data({'function' : 'get/response'}, 0, 1))
[{u'function': u'get/response', u'scenario': u'conv', u'start_time': datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 29, 10, 38, 16, 534000, tzinfo=<bson.tz_util.FixedOffset object at 0x1015b6910>), u'return_code': 200, u'session': u'mary', u'duration_ms': 5, u'stubo_response': u'a2 response\n', u'_id': ObjectId('526f90180cfb4403fc27c0fa')}]


Load performance test data (over 10,000 stubs in 100 scenarios) with

    this will take some time to run and leaves 100 sessions in playback mode.

    optionally demonstrate that the load was successfull with:
    this gets one response from each session.

    When finished end sessions and delete stubs with:


Certain Metrics are extracted from the track record and sent via UDP to a statsd server which aggregates the stats every 10 seconds before sending to a graphite carbon server via TCP.

The location of the statsd server and metrics prefix to use is specified in the stubo ini file = localhost
statsd.prefix = stubo

An analytics dashboard is provided to see that stats. Graphite connection details are specified in the stubo ini file:: =
# auth to connect to graphite server if required 
graphite.user = <user>
graphite.password = <passwd>     


Documentation is generated with Sphinx. The doc sources are located under /docs.

prereq for generating PDF:

$ yum install texlive

To generate docs

(env) $ python build_sphinx --build-dir=./stubo/static/docs

To generate PDF

   $ cd docs
   $ make latexpdf
   $ cp _build/latex/Stub-O-Matic.pdf ../stubo/static/docs


Stubo profiling is available via two different profilers yappi and plop.

yappi function stats

name: name of the function being profiled
#n: is the total callcount of the function.
tsub: total spent time in the function minus the total time spent in the other functions called from this function.
ttot: total time spent in the function.
tavg: is same as ttot/ccnt. Average total time.

Plop is a stack-sampling profiler for Python. Profile collection can be turned on and off in a live process with minimal performance impact.

Both profilers are enabled via an HTTP inteface in stubo.

yappi - generate stats for 3 mins, output is saved to a csv file:


plop - generate stats for 3 mins, output is saved by default to /tmp/plop.out:


To view plop results in a bubble graph:

(env) $ python -m plop.viewer --datadir=/tmp

View via the plop app at http://localhost:8888


Stub-O-Matic application







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