Configuration is very fast ... in the $icon-list array you have to enter some parameters like file extension, color (if you want a custom tone), and shape... icons will be automatically generated and you recall them easily in your site or in your app using the class .mime-icon.ico-$fileextension
All svg icons are merged into a single css sheet and this allows for a very lightweight file: ~450 icon gzipped size is only 13kb! less than one 256x256 png icon.
git clone && cd mime-icon-generator && npm install
gulp watch - sass watch (witj sourcemap and autoprefixer)
gulp finalize - (default) like gulp watch but the generated files are moved to the dist folder. a gzipped version of the minified one is also created)
There are two ways to make a way to make an icon... the first is with the mixin.
Its basic form is this "@include do-icon(**$color**)"
You can specify a color that will be assigned to the icon if no the default color is used (in the Config Section of the scss sheet)
.ico-myico .ico:after {
@include do-icon($color);
You can recall your newly generated icon whit this code
<div class="mime-icon">
  <div class="ico-myico"></div>
But to generate many icons at once? I prepared a @for
loop that loops all the items in the $icon-list:
(abc, "", $music),
- The first argument used for the class (in the example will be
). it's also used for the filetype inside the icon - The second argument is optional: if it is not passed (or is not a color) will be used a color from the array called $icon-colors
- The third argument is the icon ascii. You can pass one of the variables of "scss/generator-vars.scss" Remember to load the font fonts you like and edit this set of variables that will be very convenient to you
- 0.9.0 - Initial test release
- 0.9.1 - Style fixes
- 0.9.2 - Style fixes
- 1.0.0 - First release. Fix colors into nested svg and come with some updates (like gulp v4)