This is a Magento 2 port of my Magento 1 Config Scope Hints module.
This module shows information in the System Configuration when a field is overridden at more specific scope(s), along with information about these scope(s).
This module can be installed manually or by using Composer (recommended).
First, download contents of this repo into app/code/EW/ConfigScopeHints
using a command similar to the following in the Magento 2 root.
$ mkdir -p app/code/EW # create vendor directory
$ wget # download zip of module contents
$ unzip -d app/code/EW # unzip module into vendor directory
$ mv app/code/EW/magento2-configscopehints-master app/code/EW/ConfigScopeHints # correct directory name
$ rm # clean up zip file
Finally, enable module by running the following from the command line at the Magento 2 root.
$ php -f bin/magento module:enable EW_ConfigScopeHints
$ php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
Each of these commands should be run from the command line at the Magento 2 root.
First, add this repository to your composer.json
by running the following.
# add this repository to your composer.json
$ composer config repositories.magento2-configscopehints git
# require module
$ composer require ericthehacker/magento2-configscopehints
# enable module
$ php -f bin/magento module:enable EW_ConfigScopeHints
$ php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
Sit back and enjoy!
After installing the module, when viewing a system configuration field, an alert icon will be shown next to the field scope when the field's value is overridden at a more specific level.
The icon is only shown when the value is overridden at a more specific scope than the current one – that is, if viewing at the default scope, overrides at the website or store view level are shown, but if viewing at the website level, only overrides below the currently selected website are shown.
Clicking on the notification bulb displays a detailed list of the exact scope(s) that override the value, with links directly to those scopes.
This module was written and tested against version 2.0.0-rc. The hints are accomplished using intercepters, so there should be no compatibility concerns (unlike Magento 1). This version is post-RC, so the intercepters API should stable at this point.