This repository contains a Dockerfile with Thrift and PHP
in order to use the Thrift compiler and compile .thrift
to PHP stubs.
It also contains
- An example
file with a simple service defined, under./thrift_example
. - Any generated files from Thrift in case something goes sideways when compiling,
. - Two simple composer projects (server/client) with an
file where all the thrift functionality comes together, under./generated/php/clent
Build the image:
docker build docker -t thrift_gen
Run thrift to generate the server code:
docker run -v "$(pwd)/thrift_example:/thrift_example" \
thrift_gen thrift -v -out thrift_example \
--gen php:server,nsglobal="Server\Example" \
Run thrift to generate the client code:
docker run -v "$(pwd)/thrift_example:/thrift_example" \
thrift_gen thrift -v -out thrift_example \
--gen php:nsglobal="Client\Example" thrift_example/tutorial.thrift
Create the server/client directories:
$ mkdir php_project/client
$ mkdir php_project/server
Copy the included client files and update composer:
$ sudo mv thrift_example/Client php_project/client
$ cp -r generated/php/client/* php_project/client
$ cd php_project/client && composer update
Copy the included server files and update composer:
$ sudo mv thrift_example/Server php_project/server
$ cp -r generated/php/server/* php_project/server
$ cd php_project/server && composer update
Start the PHP server from php_project/server
directory :
php -S localhost:8000
Run the client that calls the running server from php_project/client
php -f index.php
Require the Apache Thrift package:
"require": {
"apache/thrift": "^0.12.0"
Add the compiled files path and namespace to the autoloader:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {"Client\\Example\\phpExample\\": "Client/Example/phpExample"}
Define where your client should send data. In this example the THttpClient is used.
$socket = new THttpClient('localhost', 8000, '/');
For the transport layer we're using the TBufferedTransport
$transport = new TBufferedTransport($socket);
Create a new binary protocol and pass the transport
$protocol = new TBinaryProtocol($transport);
Create our client and open the transport
$client = new MyFirstServiceClient($protocol);
Call the remote function multiply
and save the result
$res1 = $client->multiply(1,4);
Call the remote function get_log_size
that throws an exception if
a log file with the input name does not exist
$res = $client->get_log_size('test');
Catch our exception. Our exception contains two extra fields
and error_code
. If you catch a generic Exception
these two do not get passed to their respective exception fields.
Be sure to catch the exception you defined in the thrift file.
}catch (MyError $e){
echo $e->error_description . "\n";
Create a log file with the name test in the server
by calling the remote function log
Add the thrift header
header('Content-Type', 'application/x-thrift');
Create a new Handler
and a Processor
. The handler code
is created by the developer and extends the interface generated
by thrift. It's used to provide the functionality of the application.
The processor is a thrift generated file that handles to parse the request, create a response in thrift format and send it.
$handler = new Handler();
$processor = new MyFirstServiceProcessor($handler);
Create a new transport with thrift PHP stream and protocol
$transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TPhpStream(TPhpStream::MODE_R | TPhpStream::MODE_W));
$protocol = new TBinaryProtocol($transport, true, true);
Open the transport, process the request and finally close it.
$processor->process($protocol, $protocol);