Adventure Game Studio Chocolatey package, to install you will need Chocolatey
installed. Then right click either cmd.exe or powershell and select
Run as administrator
, and on the command prompt type:
cinst ags
To uninstall, type
choco uninstall ags
AGS will be installed in the Program Files. You can find it by creating a variable like below.
SET AGS_PATH=%ProgramFiles(X86)%\Adventure Game Studio 3.5.1\
IF NOT DEFINED ProgramFiles(x86) SET AGS_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Adventure Game Studio 3.5.1\
If you want to build this package yourself, in a windows environment with git and chocolatey installed, use the commands below
git clone
cd ags-choco-pkg
choco pack
choco install ags -s .,chocolatey
If you are building on your PC or you want to use a specific version, you can specify a version adding --version VERSIONNUMBER
to the command above.
To uninstall, on the same dir, just type
choco uninstall ags -s .
The text below is so I can remember how to do this.
choco apikey --key YOURAPIKEYHERE --source
choco push ags*.nupkg --source