Technology | Projects | How to run | License
Theses projects were developed with the following technology:
- VHDL-93
ENG1448 is a PUC-Rio course called 'Computação Digital' and these projects were developed in the 2021.1 period. Each lab is a project and has a file that describes what should be developed, the report of what was done, the grade obtained and the project itself. Here is the list of projects:
Download and install the ISE Design Suite: WebPACK Edition version 14.7 by Xilinx:
Clone the repository;
git clone
or download one or more projects to synthetize and simulate:
Open the ISE Design Suite: WebPACK Edition version 14.7 by Xilinx.
Browse the projects downloaded.
Open, Synthetize and Simulate it.
Licensed under MIT license.