- Git (1.7+)
- Ruby (1.9 recommended) and RubyGems
- Tree
Optional, but recommended:
The bootstrapper depends on three things: ruby, rake, and bundler. Assuming you
have ruby and ruby gems installed on your system: gem install rake bundler
$ gem install rake bundler
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
$ brew update
$ brew install git tree rbenv ruby-build
$ curl -L https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh | sh
$ zsh < <( curl https://raw.github.com/ericgoodwin/dotfiles/master/bootstrap.sh )
Don't worry, all your old files will be backed up!
Run the bootstrapper again!
$ ~/.dotfiles/bootstrap.sh
Installed plugins and syntax files.
- Ack
- Clojure
- Cocoa
- CoffeeScript
- CSS-color
- CtrlP
- Fish
- Gist
- Haml
- Handlebars
- Histwin
- Indent Guides
- Jade
- Javascript
- Markdown
- Nerdcommenter
- Nu
- Pastie
- Powerline
- Pathogen
- Racket
- Rails
- Rainbow Parenthesis
- Repeat
- Ruby
- Slim
- Snipmate
- Stylus
- Surround
Rudimentary support for vim on the iPad has been added via usage of the
value. In this mode <Tab>
is <Esc>
and ,<Tab>
Most of the shell junk is setup to work in both zsh and bash. Bash users should see .bash_profile and .bash_prompt.
Check out .aliases
Additional useful scripts bundled:
- ack
- bookmarklet
A modified version of Menlo is available in .fonts
for use with powerline.vim.
I've included some handy git script additions as well as configution changes. Have a look at .gitconfig to see various aliases and settings.
Additional scripts (see .scripts directory for source):
- git-publish-branch
- git-rank-contributors
- git-rbranch
- git-review
- git-show-merges
- git-wtf
Sensible configurations exist for:
- Ack
- Awesome Print
- RubyGems
- Git