This cookbook is to demo the base setup of an IIS server. It's been tested on 2012r2 only. It assumes the windows-baseline and windows-patch-baseline have been downloaded to the Automate server.
Key files: recipes\default.rb
-Adds the chef-client, omnibus_updater, audit, and IIS cookbooks to policy.
-The chef-client cookbook will configure the chef-client and set it to run every 30 minutes
-Omnibus_updater cookbooks enables the chef-client version to upgraded or downgraded by changing the value in the attributes\default.rb file.
-The Audit cookbook enables compliance as code and will run the compliance profiles specified in the attributes\default.rb against the node.
-Finally IIS will configure the IIS webserver on the node.
attributes\default.rb -configures the included cookbooks when default values need to be changed.
metadata.rb -tracks the overall cookbook version and the cookbooks that are dependencies