Goal: Given ligand coordinates and a set of possible coordinates for each atom, select coordinates for each atom that preserves the shape of the coordinates
Benefits: Learns shape preservation for either rigid ligands or conformers (faster than trying all possible combinations)
General description: Runs a 3d convolution in the ligand space and then takes those features and runs a 3d convolution in the possible coordinate space. Can repeat by taking those features and running another 3d convolution in the ligand space and do more convolutions in a similar fashion.
- Using a feed-forward network or a RNN,
- Using 2-6 convolutions in the pattern stated above,
- Using Gradient Descent Optimizer or Adam Optimizer,
- Matching a transformed version of crystal ligand or conformer,
- Choosing from 2 poses to 10 poses
- Using weighted sums instead of concatenations (for
- Using batches of sizes 1, 10, 30, 100
- Random pins or random grids
- Use grey map pins
- Use top 2 or 10 beads from bead model as pins
- Did preliminary tests with just triangles, squares and icosahedrons
Top statistics:
Model | SeqTest Accuracy | SeqTest RMSD | SeqTest AUC |
Feed-forward, 5 convolutions, crystal transformed, 2 poses, gradient descent | 0.8000001 | 0.70817494 | ~~ |
Feed-forward, 2 convolutions, conformer, 2 poses, gradient descent, 2.4A grids | 0.9751578 | 2.1780472 | 0.9963048 |
Feed-forward, 2 convolutions, conformer, 10 poses, gradient descent, 2.4A grids | 0.84553695 | 6.642 | 0.9758124 |
Feed-forward, 2 convolutions, conformer, 2 poses, gradient descent, 0.6A grids | 0.98905164 | 0.69357973 | 0.9986486 |
More statistics can be found here.
Goal: Give protein and ligand atoms and coordinates, predicts grid location that corresponds to the crystal ligand location for each atom
Benefits: Reduces amount of memory because doesn't need to calculate features for all possible grid locations
General description: Creates a large grid over the binding site. Then runs a 3d convolution over the ligand and another 3d convolution over the grid space and performs an outer product. Can repeat by taking smaller grids from selected grids in the larger grids
- 1-3 iterations (10 divisions, 2 divisions, 2 divisions)
- Ranging the space from -25A to +25A or -12A to +12A
- Using cross entropy loss or noise-contrastive estimation loss
- Compared with just 20 divisions (equivalent to 2 iterations)
- Combine with previous pinning model
Model | SeqTest AUC |
1 layer cross entropy | 0.7612224 |
2 layer cross entropy | 0.7345741, 0.49980348 |
3 layer cross entropy | 0.79310304, 0.5035895, 0.500349 |
1 layer nce | 0.80953294 |
2 layer nce | 0.80062085, 0.57625467 |
3 layer nce | 0.8110932, 0.5955195, 0.5003045 |
20 divisions | 0.65434194 |
Goal: Given relative ligand coordinates, pin coordinates, and pin features, learn features from two different spaces
Benefits: The features are invariant to ordering of the coordinates representing each of the spaces
General description: Performs a 3D convolution over the space of the original ligand atoms with pin features and then performs a second convolution with the new features over the space of the pins coordinates
- Random grids (2.4A, 1.2A, .6A) for pins
- Random coordinates for pins
- Grey map for pins
- 2 different concatenations of ligand features
- Cross entropy loss or swap loss
Top statistics:
Model | SeqTest Accuracy | SeqTest RMSD | SeqTest AUC |
Basic bi_conv on 2.4A grids | 0.8329366 | 7.4538136 | 0.9742352 |
Initial ligand concatenation on 2.4A grids | 0.8538086 | 6.0495987 | 0.97240996 |
No grids with 2nd ligand concatenation | 0.46637124 | 13.798717 | 0.8164979 |
0.6A grids | 0.9107372 | 5.179973 | 0.985856 |
No grids 2 sets of bi_conv | 0.9323402 | 3.0136988 | 0.9805218 |
Grey map swap | 0.35714287 | 3.4412975 | 3.4412975 |
Goal: Beads and ligand vector representations should be invariant to switching beads
- 1-3 convolutions
- Model35 (euclidean distance) or Model38 (cosine distance)
Model | GoodBeadAcc | SeqBeadAcc | GoodBindAcc | SeqBindAcc |
1 Euclidean | 0.9789973 | 0.9841414 | 0.973965 | 0.9860906 |
2 Euclidean | 0.98313314 | 0.9812303 | 0.98346484 | 0.9756007 |
3 Euclidean | 0.9790819 | 0.98118925 | 0.98620284 | 0.95882887 |