Key take-aways from this project...
React folder structure and project planning
Contemplate Global Remote States w/ Supabase
Styling w/ Styled Components
- Create in-component styled-components
- Create global styled-component
- createGlobalStyles Tagged Template Literal
- Provide global styles to the app
- Symbols in styled Components
- Experiment w/ css literal prefix hack to get prettier support on the code
- Experiment w/ & symbol for SASS like feature inside styled components
- Dynamic styled-components
- template literals + conditional statements
- Creating re-usable styled components
- Propping via 'custom_named' prop
- <StyleSheetManager> App wrapper SC component for enabling transient custom props
- Propping via 'as' polymorphic prop (HTML tag modifier)
- defaultProps function - Set defaults for the propping type
- Propping via 'custom_named' prop
- Create styled component contemplating a (ReactRouter) component
- styled() SC function
- Create styled component w/ injected tag element attributes for code
- attrs() SC function
- Make use of .withConfig() + shouldForwardProp for creating transient prop
React Router
- Declariative route setup
- BrowserRouter RR component
- Routes RR component
- Route RR component
- Create index RR route
- Navigate RR component
- replace attribute
- Create wrapper component (routeless) RR route used across multiple routes
- <Outlet/> RR component - Have wrapper RR route pass thru child routes
- Implement API-side filtering and sorting operations on the bookings table data
- Limited data fetching / articulate on server side
- Build dynamic API based on useSearchParams RR URL params state for sorting/filtering instructions as acquired passed onto API call via useQuery TQ data fetching
- Limited data fetching / articulate on server side
- Implement CLIENT-side filtering and sorting operations on the cabins table data
- Entire data set fetching / articulate on client side
- useQuery TQ data fetching & useSearchParams RR URL params state for sorting/filtering instructions
- Entire data set fetching / articulate on client side
- Read URL path parameter via useParams RR hook to display information about a choosen booking
- Declariative route setup
Tanstack Query
- Create TQ client
- Get instance of TQ client via useQueryClient TQ hook
- Provide TQ client via <QueryClientProvider/>
- Query Remote Data
- 'GET' data w/ useQuery TQ hook
- 'POST'/'UPDATE'/'DELETE' data w/ useMutation TQ hook
- Re-factoring TQ context snippets to dry react components
- Pre-fetching for backward and forward pagination for better UX via prefetchQuery() TQ Client fn
- Create TQ client
- Manual user triggered form submission
- useForm() RHF hook
- Standard Form validation RHF rules (required, min, max) - Custom(functionalized) Form validation rule (validate)
- Read values from form fields via getValues() RHF fn to compliment dependant validation challanges
- Automatic onBlur type form submission
- Manual user triggered form submission
Advanced React
- useRef() hook for handling portal close by clicking its outer space
- Create modals using createPortal react fn
- Utilize compound component pattern to build re-usable modal component
- Utilize cloneElement() advanced react fn to repack a react component w/ an external prop coming from CC API child component
- Utilize compound component pattern to build re-usable table component
- Utilize compound component pattern with the assitance of render prop pattern @ Table.Body
- Utilize compound component in conjunction with render prop pattern
- Handling React errors on the client side gracefully via React Error Boundaries library
In addition to the project cirriculum:
Provide custom solutions around cabin API
- Refined cabin edit and create API handling
- Improved DELETE functionality w/ cabin data recovery feature upon unsuccessful image delete operation
Implement auto switching forms @ cabins page between edit forms and create forms allowing only a single form displayed at a time.
Restrict deletion of shared image bucket files if shared by more multiple cabins to keep integrity of cabin table data.
Avoid redundant UPDATE fetch requests by checking the currValue against the onBlur value while handling automatic onBlur type form submission @ settings page
Backend updates trigger instant UI updates via Supabase subscription beacons eliminating the need of manually refreshing the browser
Protect login page from being hit intentionally by an authenticated user
Fix user signup to supabase due to supabase signup fn causing user aut-logout/localStorage supa-auth data swap
Implement deletion of old avatar picture from the supabase bucket upon user's new avatar upload via CACHE BUSTING QUERY PARAMETER
- Bootleg solution @ supabase subscription beacons needs a better solution.