is a web app for visualizing complex interpersonal
relationship structures.
The human structures of collaboration are documented in the project wiki.
Technical goals are stashed in the project issues.
We follow the git-flow branching model. The main development integration
branch is develop
. Features branches use prefix feature/
. Release
branches use prefix release/
. Hotfix branches use prefix hotfix/
. Tagged
releases use semantic versioning.
We try to commit and push changes frequently. We prefer to avoid rebasing or
rewriting commits that have been pushed to github. New code should have
strong test coverage and must pass all tests before we merge it to
. We prefer to fix existing bugs before we develop features with
new ones.
We like clear communication and information-linking. We try to write helpful commit messages and link everything, from project code and issues to documentation.
Code with compassion; hack with heart. We all want to make something good. There's always room for improvement.