This repository provides a cloud-native Earth-Observation Application Package for detecting water bodies over time using Sentinel-2 data.
The workflow leverages Common Workflow Language (CWL) and outputs data in the Zarr format, described using the STAC Datacube Extension.
- Zarr Output: Outputs water body data as Zarr files for cloud-native geospatial processing.
- STAC Metadata: Includes STAC metadata for integration with EO datalakes.
- Scalable processing: Designed to process multiple Sentinel-2 STAC items in parallel.
The workflow is based on one of the workflows of the module and includes the following steps:
- Cropping: Crops Sentinel-2 imagery to the Area of Interest (AOI).
- Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI): Computes NDWI to identify water bodies.
- Otsu Thresholding: Applies Otsu's thresholding method to binarize NDWI values.
- STAC Metadata Creation: Generates STAC items for the detected water bodies.
- Zarr Conversion: Converts the results into a Zarr dataset with Datacube metadata.
Use the approach described in to run this module on Minikube using skaffold