The proxy expects the IMAPI to be running on localhost:8080
IMDirectory uses node, npm and pnpm. Current recommended compatable versions are:
Package | Version |
node | 18.17.0 |
npm | 9.6.7 |
pnpm | 9.11.0 |
IMDirectory uses FontAwesome Pro. The project is setup to connect to a self-hosted version of fontawesome pro. This setup is contained in the root file
pnpm install
In project root add file
File should contain:
CYPRESS_LOGIN_USERNAME="username for IMDirectory account cypress will use"
CYPRESS_LOGIN_PASSWORD="password for IMDirectory account cypress will use"
VITE_HOSTING_MODE="public" || "private"
pnpm dev
pnpm build
npm preview
Lint using esLint
pnpm lint
Format using prettier
pnpm lint
Unit test using vitest
pnpm test:unit
E2E test using cypress
pnpm test:e2e
For customisation the config is in the root folder file