Welcome to the github profile of Measurement Engineering Group. We maintain various open software and hardware projects. To help you find your way around, here is a small breakdown of our repositories.
Material related to our courses and lectures:
- mca, an easy-to-use graphical software to learn signal analysis methods
- Python scripts for our signal analysis course ("MSP")
- PCBs for our microcontroller course ("PMI")
- PCBs for laboratory courses
- Pico pupil projects
- ET rulers
Repositories related to our research:
- dsch, schema-based approach to measurement data storage.
- pyfds, a modular field simulation tool using finite differences.
- united, a SI unit representation and conversion tool.
- proposal_dfg, a LaTeX template for grant proposals to the DFG.
If you are a lab geek searching for THAT missing Python interface these might be useful for you:
- handyscope, an interface for TiePie USB oscilloscopes.
- tektronixsg, an interface for Tektronix signal generators.
- keysightosc, an interface for Keysight oscilloscopes.
You can't relate with any of the topics mentioned, but still want to understand them? Click here.