2D turn based strategy with an overworld campaign
Similar in spirit to [Battalion/Battalion 3] (http://www.kongregate.com/games/urbansquall/battalion-vengeance)
Similar to the old flash game [Skies of War]
###contribute Feel free to copy code snippets etc... for help with your own projects.
If you see anything odd with the code/play testing experience please report it on the Issue page
###dependencies !! Install for all dependencies is through Haxe/Lime
HaxePunkTmx 1.0.3- Tiled 0.12.3
Plugins (dependencies nested in project):
- voec's punk.AnimatedTileMap
- TiledXML - self written customised carbon copy of HaxePunkTmx (exposing the data more readily mostly)
###assets Graphic + sound assets are stored on Emseers' Google Drive. Prototype assets (really great free packages):
- Kenney's Roguelike Modern City
- Ari Feldman's Spritelib_GPL - 1945 Set
Get Haxe
Get [Tiled]{http://www.mapeditor.org/download.html}
Install haxepunk:
haxelib install HaxePunk haxelib run HaxePunk setup
Get lime to support OSs:
lime setup windows lime setup linux
Set lime to last working Windows version:
haxelib set lime 2.4.3
Install/Update other dependencies
haxelib install HaxePunkTmx -
(Optional) Get FlashDevelop, works really well for Haxe and Flash work
Symbolic link the GDrive folders to their corresponding locations in the repo
Clone and open project in FD, should work.