Plob lets you define simple Erlang schemas ("models") for DB tables, and then generate SQL queries for them. It also helps you do common things like updating modified fields.
% Use include_lib from other applications
test_table_schema() ->
table = test_table,
pk = id,
fields = [#field{ name = id },
#field{ name = value,
default = <<"Hello">> }]
get_one() ->
{SQL, Bindings} = plob:pkget(1, test_table_schema()),
io:format("SQL: ~s~n", [SQL]),
io:format("Bindings: ~p~n", [Bindings]).
And then:
$ erlc -o ebin -I include example/simple.erl && erl -pa ebin -noshell -s simple get_one -s init stop
SQL: SELECT id, value FROM test_table WHERE id = $1
Bindings: [1]