This is a simple seed project to allow implement JavaFx Applications with SpringBoot.
The main Controller should have a fxml file associated witch must be a BorderPane, the controller property must be set on fxml file.
The View Name should be the controller name first letter lower and without the "Controller", if the controller name is ConfigurationController, the view name should be "configuration.fxml".
ResourceBunles must be in the resources/i18n directory.
ResourceBundles must have the name of main controller without the controller and first letter lower, example main controller is ApplicationController, so the resource bundle will be called, for other languages, like Portuguese Brazil, use
Using viewLoader you can get a resource using the getResourceBundleString(String value) method, but the resource must be in the main resource bundle.
Styles must be in the resources/styles directory
Stylesheet can be set on fxml file, but if you wish, create a stylesheet file where the name will be the main controller without the controller word and first letter lower, example, if your main controller is ApplicationController your file must be application.css
Create a Application class Like.
public class MyApplication
extends SpringBootFxApplication {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JXBootApplication.class);
public void initApp(){"initialize your appplication here!");
public void stopApp(){"Close all connections here");
public static void main(String[] args) {
launchApp( MyApplication.class, MainController.class, args );
Pay attention to the main method, you have to set the Application class, and your first controller class, so your controller will be provided by spring context.
Remember to add '@SpringBootApplication' annotation, and your controllers must have the @Controller Annotation
Your first controller must extend 'BootApplicationController' example:
public class MainController
extends BootApplicationController {
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
// initialization here
On the resources source folder, create tree directories:
- FXML for fxml files
- i18n for internationalization
- styles for css files
Q: No Root Node Defined! Error: A: You may be trying to load a view on init method of main controller, put it into a Platform.runLater expression
Platform.runLater(() -> {
try { AnotherController.class );
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error( "Error message!" );