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A project using the Ames Housing dataset to predict home prices based on their characteristics.

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Real Estate: It's Ame-azing!

A report on predicting the sales price of houses in Ames, Iowa.

Emily K. Sanders, DSB-318, April 19, 2024

A house in Ames, Iowa. Source: Zillow

Problem Statement

The housing market in Ames, Iowa is small but competitive, and houses often go quickly (Redfin, 2024). In such a market, realtors and their clients can gain advantage by correctly estimating how much a house will sell for, whether the client is buying or selling. In this report, I will produce and explain a model that realtors can use to make this estimate. As a secondary goal, I will look for elements of a house that contribute greatly to its value, to give sellers some ideas of how to improve their home's resale value.


  • Primary: A model calibrated to predict home sale prices, as assessed through R-squared and Root Mean Square Error.
  • Secondary: Recommendations to sellers on which elements of their homes to invest in, based on the best conclusions I can draw from the interpretation of my models.


I have been contracted by the Greater Ames Realtor Licensees of Iowa Coalition to produce this model for their members, real estate agents in the Ames area. The primary goal is to create a model that can be run easily on their computers, with no specialized knowledge on their part, so that they can get estimates of the prices of houses their clients are trying to buy or sell. The recommendations, if any, that comprise my secondary goal will be delivered in writing only.


The commissioners of this project provided me with a dataset that was orignally compiled by the Ames City Assessor's office, that contains nearly 80 columns of information about 2051 home sales in Ames between 2006 and 2010. Using this dataset I will develop and test several linear models to predict the sales price of a house its attributes, This model must be reproducible without extensive hands-on data cleaning, as per the needs of my clients.

A data dictionary is provided at the bottom of this readme.


The distribution of home prices in the dataset can be seen above. Skewed data such as these - with a tail extending assymetrically towards the right - can be difficult to model well with linear techniques, but this is not always catastrophically detrimental.

My most successful model was a LASSO regression with alpha of 1. When tested on novel data, this model accounted for approximately 92% of the variation in home prices (R-squared), and made predictions with an average distance of +/-$22,695.24 from the true price (RMSE). This is a sizable improvement over the current baseline model, which averages a distance of $79,975.12.

To assess the quality of this model, I additionally plotted the residuals - the distance between the actual price and the predicted price. In an ideal model, these residuals would form a bell curve centered on zero. As can be seen in the graph below, the residuals of my LASSO model, while not perfectly curve-shaped or symmetrical, are approximatey centered on 0, and form a rough bell shape. This is a very promising sign for the model's integrity and utility.

Residuals are more or less normally distributed with a mean of 0.


The LASSO model I produced offers considerable advantage over other tools currently available to my clients, and I look forward to deploying it to them. It offers solid predictive power for the price a house will sell for, and will allow my clients to help their clients make financially sound real estate decisions. Unfortunately though, because LASSO regression results in uninterpretable coefficients, and because my interpretable models did not offer satisfactory R-squared or RMSE, I am unable to provide recommendations for improving a house's value at this time. I will revisit this issue, as well as further fine tune the predictive power of the model, in future iterations of this project.

Data Dictionary

The data dictionary below provides a guide to all the variable names in the dataset, as well as all the levels each categorical variable can take on. They are presented here under the names I assigned to them, but much of the language here is taken verbatim from the data dictionary that accompanied the dataset I received.

Variable Name Type Levels Explanation
saleprice int the property's sale price in dollars
id (for reference only) short ID number
pid (for reference only) long ID number
building_type categorical building class
20 1-story 1946 & newer all styles
30 1-story 1945 & older
40 1-story w/finished attic all ages
45 1-1/2 story - unfinished all ages
50 1-1/2 story finished all ages
60 2-story 1946 & newer
70 2-story 1945 & older
75 2-1/2 story all ages
80 split or multi-level
85 split foyer
90 duplex - all styles and ages
120 1-story PUD - 1946 & newer
150 1-1/2 story PUD - all ages
160 2-story PUD - 1946 & newer
180 PUD - multilevel - incl split lev/foyer
190 2 family conversion - all styles and ages
zoning categorical general zoning classification of the sale
A (agr) agriculture
C (all) commercial
FV floating village residential
I (all) industrial
RH residential high density
RL residential low density
RP residential low density park
RM residential medium density
lot_frontage float linear feet of street connected to property
lot_area int lot size in square feet
street categorical type of road access to property
Grvl gravel
Pave paved
alley categorical type of alley access to property
Grvl gravel
Pave paved
not-present no alley access
lot_shape categorical general shape of property
Reg Regular
IR1 Slightly irregular
IR2 Moderately Irregular
IR3 Irregular
land_contour categorical flatness of the property
Lvl Near Flat/Level
Bnk Banked - Quick and significant rise from street grade to building
HLS Hillside - Significant slope from side to side
Low Depression
utilities_type categorical type of utilities available
AllPub All public Utilities (E,G,W,& S)
NoSewr Electricity, Gas, and Water (Septic Tank)
NoSeWa Electricity and Gas Only
ELO Electricity only
lot_config categorical lot configuration
Inside inside lot
Corner corner lot
CulDSac cul-de-sac
FR2 frontage on 2 sides of property
FR3 frontage on 3 sides of property
land_slope categorical slope of property
Gtl gentle slope
Mod moderate Slope
Sev severe Slope
neighborhood categorical physical locations within Ames city limits
Blmngtn Bloomington Heights
Blueste Bluestem
BrDale Briardale
BrkSide Brookside
ClearCr Clear Creek
CollgCr College Creek
Crawfor Crawford
Edwards Edwards
Gilbert Gilbert
IDOTRR Iowa DOT and Rail Road
MeadowV Meadow Village
Mitchel Mitchell
Names North Ames
NoRidge Northridge
NPkVill Northpark Villa
NridgHt Northridge Heights
NWAmes Northwest Ames
OldTown Old Town
SWISU South & West of Iowa State University
Sawyer Sawyer
SawyerW Sawyer West
Somerst Somerset
StoneBr Stone Brook
Timber Timberland
Veenker Veenker
prox_to_road_rr_1 categorical proximity to main road or railroad
Artery adjacent to arterial street
Feedr adjacent to feeder street
Norm normal
RRNn within 200' of North-South Railroad
RRAn adjacent to North-South Railroad
PosN near positive off-site feature--park, greenbelt, etc.
PosA adjacent to postive off-site feature
RRNe within 200' of East-West Railroad
RRAe adjacent to East-West Railroad
prox_to_road_rr_2 categorical proximity to second main road or railroad, if present
Artery adjacent to arterial street
Feedr adjacent to feeder street
Norm normal
RRNn within 200' of North-South Railroad
RRAn adjacent to North-South Railroad
PosN near positive off-site feature--park, greenbelt, etc.
PosA adjacent to postive off-site feature
RRNe within 200' of East-West Railroad
RRAe adjacent to East-West Railroad
bldg_type categorical type of dwelling
1Fam single-family detached
2FmCon two-family conversion; originally built as one-family dwelling
Duplx duplex
TwnhsE townhouse end unit
TwnhsI townhouse inside unit
house_style categorical style of dwelling
1Story one story
1.5Fin one and one-half story: 2nd level finished
1.5Unf one and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
2Story two story
2.5Fin two and one-half story: 2nd level finished
2.5Unf two and one-half story: 2nd level unfinished
SFoyer split foyer
SLvl split level
overall_qual ordinal overall material and finish quality
9 very excellent
8 excellent
7 very good
6 good
5 above average
4 average
3 below average
2 fair
1 poor
0 very poor
overall_cond ordinal overall condition rating
9 very excellent
8 excellent
7 very good
6 good
5 above average
4 average
3 below average
2 fair
1 poor
0 very poor
year_built int original construction date
year_remodel_add int remodel or addition date (same as construction date if none)
roof_style categorical type of roof
Flat flat
Gable gable
Gambrel gabrel (barn)
Hip hip
Mansard mansard
Shed shed
roof_material categorical roof material
ClyTile clay or tile
CompShg standard (composite) shingle
Membran membrane
Metal metal
Roll roll
Tar&Grv gravel & tar
WdShake wood shakes
WdShngl wood shingles
exterior_1 categorical exterior covering on house
AsbShng asbestos shingles
AsphShn asphalt shingles
BrkComm brick common
BrkFace brick face
CBlock cinder block
CemntBd cement board
HdBoard hard board
ImStucc imitation stucco
MetalSd metal siding
Other other
Plywood plywood
PreCast precast
Stone stone
Stucco stucco
VinylSd vinyl siding
Wd Sdng wood siding
WdShing wood shingles
exterior_2 categorical second exterior covering on house if present
AsbShng asbestos shingles
AsphShn asphalt shingles
BrkComm brick common
BrkFace brick face
CBlock cinder block
CemntBd cement board
HdBoard hard board
ImStucc imitation stucco
MetalSd metal siding
Other other
Plywood plywood
PreCast precast
Stone stone
Stucco stucco
VinylSd vinyl siding
Wd Sdng wood siding
WdShing wood shingles
masonry_type categorical masonry veneer type
BrkComm brick common
BrkFace brick face
CBlock cinder block
Stone stone
not-present none
masonry_area float masonry veneer area in square feet
exter_qual ordinal exterior material quality
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
exter_cond ordinal present condition of the material on the exterior
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
foundation categorical type of foundation
BrkTil brick & tile
CBlock cinder block
PConc poured contrete
Slab slab
Stone stone
Wood wood
basemt_qual ordinal height of the basement
Ex excellent (100+ inches)
Gd good (90-99 inches)
TA typical (80-89 inches)
Fa fair (70-79 inches)
Po poor (<70 inches)
not-present no Basement
basemt_cond ordinal general condition of the basement
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA typical - slight dampness allowed
Fa fair - dampness or some cracking or settling
Po poor - severe cracking, settling, or wetness
NA no basement
basemt_exposure ordinal walkout or garden level basement walls
Gd good exposure
Av average exposure (split levels or foyers typically score average or above)
Mn mimimum exposure
No no exposure
NA no basement
basemt_fin_1_qual ordinal quality of finished area in the basement
GLQ good living quarters
ALQ average living quarters
BLQ below average living quarters
Rec average rec room
LwQ low quality
Unf unfinshed
not-present no basement
basemt_fin_1_sf float square feet of finished area in basement
basemt_fin_2_qual ordinal quality of second finished area in the basement if present
GLQ good living quarters
ALQ average living quarters
BLQ below average living quarters
Rec average rec room
LwQ low quality
Unf unfinshed
not-present no basement
basemt_fin_2_sf float square feet of second finished area in basement if present
basemt_unf_sf float square feet of unfinished area in basement
basemt_total_sf float total square feet of basement area
heating categorical type of heating
Floor floor furnace
GasA gas forced warm air furnace
GasW gas hot water or steam heat
Grav gravity furnace
OthW hot water or steam heat other than gas
Wall wall furnace
heating_qc ordinal heating quality and condition
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
central_air binary presence of central air conditioning
N no
Y yes
electrical categorical type of electrical system
SBrkr standard circuit breakers & Romex
FuseA fuse box over 60 amp and all Romex wiring (average)
FuseF 60 amp fuse box and mostly Romex wiring (fair)
FuseP 60 amp fuse box and mostly knob & tube wiring (poor)
Mix mixed
floor_1_sf float square feet of first floor
floor_2_sf float square feet of second floor
low_qual_fin_sf float square feet of low quality finished area (all floors)
gr_liv_area float square feet of above-ground living area
basemt_full_bath int number of basement full bathrooms
basemt_half_bath int number of basement half bathrooms
full_bath int number of full bathrooms above ground
half_bath int number of half bathrooms above ground
bedroom_abvgr int number of bedrooms above basement level
kitchen_abvgr int number of kitchens
kitchen_qual ordinal kitchen quality
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
total_rms_abv_grd int total rooms above grade (not including bathrooms)
home_functionality ordinal home functionality rating
Typ typical functionality
Min1 minor deductions 1
Min2 minor deductions 2
Mod moderate deductions
Maj1 major deductions 1
Maj2 major deductions 2
Sev severely damaged
Sal salvage only
fireplaces int number of fireplaces
fireplace_qu ordinal FireplaceQu: Fireplace quality
Ex excellent - exceptional masonry fireplace
Gd good - masonry fireplace in main level
TA average - prefabricated fireplace in main living area or masonry fireplace in basement
Fa fair - prefabricated fireplace in basement
Po poor - ben franklin stove
not-present no fireplace
garage_type categorical garage location
2Types more than one type of garage
Attchd attached to home
Basment basement garage
BuiltIn built-in (garage part of house - typically has room above garage)
CarPort car port
Detchd detached from home
not-present no garage
garage_yr_blt int year garage was built
garage_finish categorical interior finish of the garage
Fin finished
RFn rough finished
Unf unfinished
not-present no garage
garage_cars float size of garage in car capacity
garage_area float square feet of garage
garage_qual ordinal garage quality
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
not-present no garage
garage_cond ordinal garage condition
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
Po poor
not-present no garage
paved_drive categorical paved driveway
Y paved
P partially paved
N not paved - dirt/gravel
wood_deck_sf float square feet of wood deck area
open_porch_sf float square feet of open porch area
encl_porch_sf float square feet of enclosed porch area
three_season_porch_sf float square feet of three-season porch area
screen_porch_sf float square feet of screened-in porch area
pool_area float square feet of pool area
pool_qc ordinal pool quality
Ex excellent
Gd good
TA average/typical
Fa fair
not-present no pool
fence categorical fence quality
GdPrv good privacy
MnPrv minimum privacy
GdWo good wood
MnWw minimum wood/wire
not-present no fence
misc_feature categorical miscellaneous element of the house not covered in other categories
Elev elevator
Gar 2nd garage (if not described in garage section)
Othr other
Shed shed (over 100 sf)
TenC tennis court
not-present no extra elements
misc_val int monetary value of miscellaneous feature
month_sold categorical month sold, represented numerically
yr_sold int year sold, scaled to 2006=0
sale_type categorical type of sale
WD warranty deed - conventional
CWD warranty deed - cash
VWD warranty deed - va loan
New new home just constructed and sold
COD court officer deed/estate
Con contract 15% down payment regular terms
ConLw contract low down payment and low interest
ConLI contract low interest
ConLD contract low down
Oth other
Author's Note: I would like to express my gratitude to John Franey for his creation and maintenance of Table to Markdown, which made the creation of this sizeable table immeasurably easier, and for graciously making this tool available for free (2024).


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